CH: Clue No.5

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I opened the neatly folded chit. It read-

"You started this journey as an escape from reality . I dragged you all along with clues because i thought that when you are escaping, it shouldn't  just be an escape. Its the process of discovering yourself . I honestly thought you would just give up somewhere, but you didn't. I hope i helped you in doing so.Now, the last thing i need to do is go to the top of the tower. Don't  worry, you need not climb the entire tower. There are stairs. When you reach the top, just remember this-

"Some people are better left  undiscovered,

some things are better left unexplained,

I guarantee you that after today,

you would always be heard,

But for now please bear the pain."

This is the last clue. Congratulations . 

Lots of love,


I didn't wait for the guard. i knew about the stairs. I hurried up!


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