CH : Clue No.4 & Memories

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" A man with  blond hair came to me this morning and told me to give this to you. If you need any more help from me , you can come meet me in that hut on the backyard." - She pointed in the direction of where I assumed was her hut, turned around, and ran back.  I quickly took the basket and sat on a  nearby bench. 

The autumn wind hit my face, demanding me to close my eyes, giving me a short moment of relaxation. I keep the basket on my lap and carefully remove the fruits to see a small paper, camouflaged with an orange. I chuckle as i open the chit. It read- " You need some serious rest, i can tell and the weather just asks you for that. So just close your eyes exactly 5 secs." 

I did as I was told. I felt so good. Amidst all the rush, this is what was needed. I realized that i was unnecessarily rushing around because if  he keeps track of my each and every movement then surely he will be just one or two steps ahead of me.
Slowly, i open my eyes and every thing felt bright and fresh. I smile as i continue to read the chit again. It read-

"The next clue is where twilight shows its beauty and

autumn enhances it.

Where an old man always sits with a  hat 

and  a stick."

 I was taken aback by the mention of twilight. Not that I remembered Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner or any scene of that fantasy  movie. Its just that i have lots of memories with all my friends back at home town, during  every twilight, and there was this one twilight night that i would always remember.

As i mindlessly strolled towards the only place near the church, that happened to be the Eiffel Tower. I was too lost to be fascinated by it ,  as my mind reeled to  3 years back!


Allison , my classmate came up and practically jumped on me," Ana, its twilight! Another movie night at your place. Finally! I missed your fridge and the food it had" I chuckled at her love for food. Every twilight, this i what i do. I call her over to my place and today it seems  like she has some guests. Not that i mind. The more the merrier. Or at least that's what i thought until now. The moment she brought in her "guests". Jake Conner was one of the guys in that gang that caught my eye.

3 years later

"Be mine, Ana." Jake said. I didn't say anything. I walked out! I didn't know how to say no. How do i politely break someone's heart, when i was the one struggling with my feelings? I simply walked out. I know that sounds bitchy but hey! what could i do? I was confused & sad but something he said stuck to my head. He said," I'll be  waiting for you right here everyday ,  6:00 in the evening. No matter what. Whether with a stick or with an umbrella, i would be waiting for you. Just know that! I know you need time, take forever!" I left him hanging there, but little did he know that i was the rope he was hanging to. i couldn't tell him. I just couldn't. It was hard for me. So what i did was walk out. I felt tears prick my eyes as i realized what i had done. But i just couldn't help it. If i had said yes to him without even knowing my feelings then it would have only hurt him. 

Some days passed &,  My parents told me that they were throwing some kind of  celebration party at our place and Jake and his family was called as well. I decided that i would confess it to him. I'll make him understand my situation and of course he would understand 'cause its bad to leave someone hanging. 


I couldn't say it that day nor could i ever because he wasn't there. He simply went that day, god knows where, and didn't ever return. His parents gave up hope. He missed his graduation party, my 20th b'day party and even his own b'day went like a funeral. No one knew where he went, neither knew why he went away. I felt a tad guilty as i felt maybe i was the reason why he needed escape. Yet, i bet he is having some serious fun because escapes are fun!! I can tell you! 

As i neared the Eiffel Tower, i realized one thing- Throughout the adventure so far, i had discovered a new me. A new Anna who could walk for hours, totally in contrast to the Anna who complained that she wasn't fit. I feel a little psychotic with all these happening to me but honestly, NORMAL IS BORING!  

I  feel the sun rays flickering and i gaze at the huge structure hovering over me, swallowing me in its shadow. Its body seemed like a diamond. It is truly breathtaking.

Suddenly, i see a silhouette approaching me.  I was just a tiny bit freaked out but i compose myself once i see a middle aged ground staff member with a metal detector. He came & asked-" Are  you Ana?." I nodded.  " Someone had left this for you,". I gratefully took it and plopped down on a nearby bench, ready for another clue! 


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