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"Passengers are requested to buckle their seat belts and straighten their seats as we are about to land in Europe. Thanks for flying with us and  The Air France hopes to see you again. Goodbye and enjoy the rest of your stay." I quickly pulled out my earphones and straightened my seat. I stared down at The France International Airport, as we slowly approached the runway. Wow!So,I  actually escaped the States without actually having the  NYPD after me! Good job, Ana! 


A warm breeze hit my face, as i kept my foot on European concrete. I breathed the damp smell of the soil coming from the fallen wet leaves scattered on the entrance of the Arrival Hall. Autumn was finally here! I smiled when I remembered what my father used to say,"Autumn is when the Eiffel Tower is remade and recreated by the beauty of the hot and warm air blowing at its top".

I quickly turned away, not wanting to get lulled anymore by the mere thought of the place and whistled for a taxi. I didn't at all look like the girl who is used to living with gold. I quickly got into the taxi and asked him to take me to the nearest coffee shop. To stay that i was tired would be an understatement. I felt like a dead man walking. 

As the taxi proceeded towards whatever cafe he was  taking me to, i opened my backpack, only to realize that i forgot to exchange my american notes. I asked the taxi driver if there was any exchange centers in the cafe where he as taking me.To my relief, since the cafe is near the airport, so there is an exchange center. My thoughts soared as i watched the green valleys and skyscrapers, perfectly in sync. I noticed that i wasn't that famous in Europe, so that was a good news. I switched on my cell phone, to surprisingly find a text message from my aunt and dad telling me that they already knew the moment when they saw my voicemail that i had sneaked out. Although,they were worried, they said they were proud of me to follow my heart and wished me good luck. I was relieved because they were the only people who cared for me. Suddenly, the taxi came to a jolt. I looked up to find a beautiful french cafe.

I exchanged my American noted with European notes, payed the driver and entered the cafe. I quickly slung the back over my shoulder and hastily entered the cafe. Suddenly, I bumped into something hard and the bag from my shoulder slipped and fell on the ground. I looked up to see a blond haired 6 foot handsome man in his late 30's with an apologetic smile playing on his lips. He quickly bend down. I followed his gaze and realized that since i had forgotten to zip my bag, all my contents were scattered on the floor. He continued to apologize while i continued to accept it. Finally, when i shoved everything in my bag i straightened up, " Thank you, Monsieur".  He stared at me and for a while  I thought that he might either be an American who recognized her or a French who has met an American for the first time." Your welcome, madame". This time it was my turn to look up at him, with relief.

"New to Paris or hiding from someone?"He asked with a smirk. To say i was shocked, would be a highly understatement. Even after attending thousands of press conferences in my world tour, i stuttered to speak to this man whom i didn't even knew."  I-I- ummm Y-y-es , both".  As soon as he heard me, his eyes softened and i saw a pure glint of sincerity.  He smiled nonetheless as he said  -"I am a traveler and this is  my stop for three days. So, since you are a little more new here than me, so i guess you should taste a delicious coffee. I can see the jet-lag in your eyes." I nodded  as I gave a tired smile. 

He brought the coffee and I paid for it, much to his annoyance. Thankfully, he didn't ask anything about me, otherwise I am awfully bad at telling lies. As he spoke, I observed many things about him. He was blond, a right hander and fair skinned. His characteristics totally matched the kind of Frenchman I was finding. Maybe he could be the one, I thought childishly because then how am I supposed to have an adventure, if everything is just meant to be laid out to me.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by the man asking me if I wanted anything more. I politely declined and stood up to leave telling him that I had a tight schedule. He knew better than to ask me, and so we shook hands. As I was about to leave, he casually said," What you need is not always underneath, sometimes its right on the surface because when you look for something too deep, you already miss what is right in the front." I was taken aback but I smiled at him anyways, suddenly wanting to get out of the situation. Not caring to understand what he said, I quickly ran out of the cafe, feeling the urge to start the adventure even sooner. Stupid Adrenaline!

Now I need to catch a taxi so that I can at least go to the nearest hotel and rent a room , while I figure out my next step. 

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