Chapter 17

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I woke up once again in the monochromatic bedroom, bandages peppered around my body. This has got to stop happening.... I thought. I stumbled out of bed, using whatever furniture I could get my finger wrapped around to support my weight. I finally just grabbed a lone furniture leg that was the perfect height for me. I used it as best as I could, hobbling throughout the suspiciously quiet mansion. "Bill? Will? You guys still fighting?" Deafening stillness reverberated wherever I went, as if every living thing in the house disappeared when I took a glance at it. I walked past a large ornate door, and finally hear something. It's muffled, and I couldn't make anything out. I stood there for a moment, before the door opened, and Bill stood in the doorway. His hair was a tousled mess, and he was missing a shirt. "Uh.... Hey..." He gave me a small wave. "Hi.... Uh... Why does your bedroom smell like cologne and sweat?" I ask, signaling to the dark room behind him. "No reason. No reason at all." He smiled suspiciously, and a man who looked a lot like Dipper showed up behind Bill. "Bill, where's the sho- ...   -----? What are you doing here? And why do you look so young?" He questioned. Apparently, it was Dipper. "BILL WHAT THE HELL WHY IS DIPPER OLDER NOW AND WHY IS HE IN YOUR BEDROOM?!" I screamed, my mind not able to process the current events. Bill just laughed awkwardly. "W-Well, you see.... I kind of decided to just.... Not like you anymore.... So I took Pine tree over here.... And.... I think I went 10 years into the future.... So.... Yeah..." He looked down at the ground. All I could do was stand there. "....Wait. You liked my cousin?" Dipper questioned, a rising tone of anger pushing through. "And when they didn't like you back, I became your boy toy?" He glared at Bill, furious. Well, as furious as Dipper gets. Bill laughed awkwardly again, and rubbed his neck. "Uhm.... Yes?" He didn't make any eye contact. "OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT GOTTA GO MAKE SCONES REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYE!" And with that, he was gone. Dipper just sighed, shaking his head fondly. "-----, You wouldn't happen to know where the shower is, would you?" I pointed down the hallway, watching him walk off. So that's a thing now.... I thought to myself, walking around again. I finally found the kitchen, where I saw Will sitting on the counter, eating out of an industrial ice cream tub. His eyes were red and puffy, as if he'd been crying. He looked up, sprinkles stuck to his lips. "Oh... H-Hey...." I felt my whole demeanor soften as I walked towards him. "Aw, don't cry...." I rubbed his back gently. "I'm so s-sorry... I l-let my j-j-jealousy get the best of me, and t-then you g-got hurt....." He shivered, obviously holding back tears. He spooned more ice cream into his mouth, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He looked up at me, a tiny smile on his face. "What s-so funny?" He asked, looking at me curiously. "The fact that your sitting here eating ice cream because of me!" I was grinning by now, and luckily I got a smile onto Will's face. "Your r-right! This is p-pretty funny... " He set the ice cream down, wiping his face. "I'm gonna go t-talk to B-Bill. See you soon, -----!" He walked off, cheered up. I picked up the spoon, and took a bit, smiling at him. I fixed somebody!

Dreamy Demons (Bill Cipher X Reader X Will Cipher)Where stories live. Discover now