Wait.... You What?!

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It was just A normal day in Akibastar. The idols of 00 practiced until noon, and after that they would help take care of the citizens, and help restoring the City. There had been absolutely no trouble with the DES at all. It made most of the members nervous, but all the work they did, helped Them calm down, as all people said, is that they were scared, and didn't dare attack right now.
Some of Them couldn't be calm though. After the succession-concert held for Nagisa and Chieri, Chieri did not give up on pestering the successors nor the staff on "How can Nagisa Succeed and not me, when I'M the Center Nova?!" Tsubasa then told that the reason is that someone else is succeeding the name she is supposed to have. This of course made Takamina think of hers and Kanatas situation. On how Kanata couldn't succeed unless she Graduated. It put her in tears, and made her run off. Chieri then thought that she was supposed to be Takamina and kept pestering her to Graduate, and though Takamina kept her cool, she managed to say "Shut you fucking mouth and leave me alone, bitch!" In a more successor like way of course, with no swearing.

This riled all the understudies up as well, as Chieri completely ignored the understudies as the only thing she would say was: "a small pityfull understudy should not talk to a magnificent SUCCESSOR like me!"
This did not make her look good as she started to not only lose fans but unnoticably her light began to slowly fade.

A/N: sorry if it frels rushed, but I just needed to get it started! I'd be glad if you comment to give meaningful advice as this is my first story on Wattpad, and please dont hate me for my "Chieri-is-bad" trip here. Its not that i dont like her, but I just feel that she would get mad over this! If there is grammar and other mistakes, please let me know, as I wrote this on my phone while on the bus, and it won't ever stop bugging me, but please let me know!

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