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The minute the Katyuusha left the Drive the Idols were on their posts.
The understudies and the successors got ready for their entrance, while WOTAs machines could be heard fighting the DES.
As they finally broke through the defenseline, the people on the planet could see a sea of multicolored light bathing them, and as Aitakatta began to blast through the speakers, they would cheer and laugh as they found light again. But soon the DES sent tanks, and soldiers to kill the lights.
On stage Takamina saw that the civilians were in danger, and as the stage parted into platforms, the first thing she and Kanata did was to protect and guide them through to safety.
As all the people had been moved to a safe distance, Beginner blasted throughout the planet.
That's when a shout of fear resounded all around, and Takamina went on to find out what was going on. What she found was a soldier threatening a young teenage boy. She electrocuted the man with her and reached out her hand to the boy, as she saw what he looked like. His hair was greenish yellow with a brown tint, and eyes and face so similar to her own.
"We to get out of here, take my hand, please!"
As she pulled him up on the platform, she was immediately attacked.
"Kanata! I need backup! Now!"
While Kanata defended them, Takamina managed to get her brother to safety with her parents who was watching with worry.
"Mom! Dad!"
"Yuuta! ... Shiori...?!"
"Hi..." She waved at them, but they turned away from her, and left her behind while saying one thing:
"You left us behind, because of you this planet became like this, we didn't hear from you for seven years! We thought you were dead. So that is what you are to us. Dead! Goodbye."

With that they were out of her sight. Takamina collapsed on the ground, and if wasn't for Yuko, Kanata and Acchan, the soldiers would have killed her a long time ago.

Okay, soo... Any questions everybody? So Takaminas family consists of bitches... I almost cried writing this....

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