The New Generation

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[somewhere on Lancastar]
"Miku!! Hurry up!! We have to hurry!! I heard the people who audition first, are 99% sure to be elected!!" A girl with short sand blond hair with red clips shouted at her friend. A few meters away another girl with shoulder length black hair and a greenish bow came running.
"Hibiki!! I know you've trained karate for the last three years, but would you give a chance next time?" The girl named Miku panted.
"Maybe... If we have to!! Oh I really hope we get selected!!!"

The two girls ran to a cliff above a mine.
"Miku... Are you sure this is it?"
"Yes... This is the place where Acchan, Orine and Yuka recorded their audition videos. Maybe it will bring luck..." Miku said while setting up the camera.
As she hit the record button, Hibiki stood in the shot.
"I'm Tachibana Hibiki! I like training, singing, helping people, eating and being with my friends. I will sing a song I made myself, named 'Watashi to iu oto Hibiki sono saki ni'
Naze doushite, hiroi sekai no naka de,
Unmei wa, kono basho ni,
Watashi to iu, oto Hibiki, sono saki ni..
Hohoemi wa... Sing Out With Us!!!"
As Hibiki stopped singing, Miku stopped the video, and they traded places.
"I'm Kohinata Miku, I like singing, dancing, and making people smile. I will sing Kyou Made no Melody.
Ano koro, utatta, ai no Melody,
Ai no melody."
Hibiki hit the button, took the recording for Miku, so that she could make sure the DES wouldn't find it. The DES hadn't really attacked, but the control on the planets with entertainmentban was almost as hard to get through as on Sagittariusstar.

[somewhere on Saharastar]
A girl with silver hair cut in four ponytails sat in her room. She just sent a video of her singing Hate. Her name was Yukine Chris. She was certain to be elected.

[somewhere on an unknown planet]
Three girls sat in a small room in an unknown orphanage. They were to old to be adopted, and as they heard that AKB0048 was a place where everyone was family, they auditioned. There was a blond with an X-clip in her hair, a girl with black hair in two ponytails and pink ribbons clinging to the blond.
And there was a pink haired girl with to blue butterflies in her hair. They had sung Relax, and their names where Akatsuki Kirika, Tsukiyomi Shirabe, and Maria Cadenzavna Eve. Maria had a baby sister, who was gonna audition next year for all of them to be together.
They all crossed their fingers for luck.

[another unknown planet]
A girl with long blue hair, and a small side ponytail, sat at a cafe table, waiting for response on her Blue Rose performance. Her best friend had died two years before, and they promised to join 00 as kids. On her friends deathbed, she promised to keep that. And she intended on doing so.
Her name was Kazanari Tsubasa.
Okay, before you actually comment on anything, I like to mention that I'm lazy. I had a too hard time making up characters, so I kinda stole Symphogears... I do not own them!!! There are no noise, and they are just normal girls. I will get you a picture when I find the perfect one. Sue me!!! Bye!

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