That was FAST!!!

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As Tsubasa said these words, both Chieri and Yuko froze in their seats. "Acchan is the new Center Nova?!!! But that means that I lost?!"
While the crowd cheered their hearts out, most members either cried of joy, as they were elected, while the rest just stared, and even Orine looked shocked.
But it was Sayakas shout that surprised the most;
"That was FAST!!! I mean, we all thought Yuko and Chieri would fight for the position a bit first, but as soon as she ranked as Number 1, she gained the position. Just as the Original Acchan! Okay I'm rambling now, I'll stop now sorry."
Laugh erupted, as this was highly unlikely. Sayaka going into a rant? It was thought impossible.

As the rest of the members got over the shock, they started to cheer. But then Takaminas message started to take down the mood. Especially as a small girl, obviously a Takamina fan(if you look at the bow in her hair), started to shout; "It's your fault!!! If you weren't there, Takamina-sama would not have Graduated!!!" This made all the members of NO NAME to think the same thing. Kanata the most as she new the reason. And that she was that reason. Slowly but surely raised her hand to her earpiece, as Tsubasa had the microphone, as she tried to calm them all down, and turned it on.
"Listen to Me!!!!"
This made everyone that was watching the show, even the DES, to look at her in surprise.
"If you all start to think that everything is someone else's fault, you will start to hate the people around you, and in the end yourself as well!! It is not anybody fault that Takamina-san decided to graduate! She decided that on her own. If she wants to return home, or stay here, or help 00 in any way she can, that is her decision!!! Not yours, not mine, no ones but HERSELF!!  And if you can't see that we are all people as well, then how can you truly call yourself a fan?! To be a fan, you support the one you admire! Not just by buying posters and pictures, but you need to support them in you heart as well!! None of us are happy that she is graduating, even if she stayed another ten years, we would all feel the same!! So please!! Even if she graduates, I beg of you to keep supporting her throughout her life!! That is the best thing you can give her right now. You support and friendship!! No matter what happens, she will always be our friend and ally. And that is what matters!!!"

After Acchans speech, even the DES was shocked. (Several of actually quit, and joined WOTA instead. But that's not important right now. Hahaha!!!) The mere sound of the people cheering could be heard all over the planet, as the peoples hearts were joined once again.

Yay!!! That was quite a speech if you ask me! I was kinda waiting for this, and I wanted Takamina to do this, but I felt that Acchan had a better position to do it from. As for the song, it was the best resolution I could find, so either this one or the original AKB48 mv. See ya!!!
Also, over 70 views!!! Some might not think of it as a lot, but I'm grateful that you all read my story!! THANK YOU!!!
And I did just make a song reference. Majisuka Rock'n'Roll from 2010 and it IS AKB48

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