Second Round

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After the girls landed, they were gathered with all the others for a meeting. (Watch episode 3 if you want, it's almost the exact same, and so is the training. I'm sorry if you want to read it, but I tried to many times, and it didn't work. Sue me! ) When they were done with training, only Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris remained, as they trained at home. After that 63% quit, not wanting to risk their lives.
The night before the second round, Hibiki talked to Maria and co, to form a sort of alliance, so that they can help each other out, if they needed it. Miku managed to convince Chris and Tsubasa to join them. This did not go unnoticed, as none of the other girls bothered to even learn someone else's name.

At the beginning of the second round, most girls just hid, and most were shaking in fear. Hibiki and co. however, was not. They took cover behind some big rocks, and readily prepared their weapons.
As the other girls fell down, one by one, Hibiki suddenly ran out towards them, used her medical kit to take care of them. As she ran out of supplies and she couldn't take any more, she moved back towards the rocks, but kept protecting the fallen.

Miku looked on in fear, as her best friend fought to protect the others, even thinking more about them than herself.

"That idiot! Why can't she just stay put?!! Grrrr!" The line of Chris' thoughts went in this direction, while backing up her ally.

Maria and her 'sisters' were deeply impressed of the girl in front of them. They were concerned, but still in awe of her courage.

Tsubasas eyes widened, as the image of Kanade started to form in her mind, when she looked at the blonde. She now knew, that even if Kanade was gone, her soul and light would live on.

A while after, the song 'Beginner' ended, as did the concert. As the girls realized the truth, they were shocked. But when Tsubasa-san announced them as the 78th generation, all confusion were dispersed, and their happy faces were what lit up the area, as the members congratulated them. From here on out, their lives would change. For better or worse, only Destiny could tell, and only the Future would show.
It was hard to get the image of my mind on paper, so it might not be perfect... But at least I tried my best. But today's my birthday, so it's okay... For now...

The Next Generation "AKB0048!!"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora