Chapter 1

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The rain is falling down on the empty streets in the dark night. It’s all silence with no movement. But out of nowhere a big creature jumps down from a roof, two persons is following it. The creature has four horns on the head, two big on each side and to smaller on the middle head. It has glowing red eyes and one red eye in the forehead. The body is mould green with red lines down the body that creates different symbols, and it’s almost two meters tall.

“Steve it’s weak on the left side hit it there, Now!” one of the persons shouted. He ran up at the left side of the creature and hit it with a spear that had a special knife formed like a diamond at the end. The blood dripped from both the spear and the creature, but it hit the guy who stabbed it, with its sharp claws and he flew through the air. He landed in a building, leaving a huge hole in the wall. The other person ran up to him to check if he was all right.

“Steve are you okay!?” he looked up at his partner and answered with a weak voice “Get… him… S-Stacy”. She looked at her teammate with a determent expression “Of course” and ran after the creature. She jumped from roof to roof looking for it, when she found it, it was almost dawn. Chaos fire demons get weak by the moonlight, and there is only one and a half hour to the sun comes up, so that’s the time I have before he gets full strength again, and then he will destroy the city. I just need to trick it, to a darker place.She thought. She jumped down in front of the chaos and fire demon, forcing it to run another way, she did that a lot of times, most of the time with fights but in the end the creature ran into the park. The tree hide the few sunrays there was, giving Stacy the perfect opportunity. She kicked it into a three, so it broke and throw her spear against it. But the demon catches the spear and throws it after her. She avoided it, but it was a close one. The demon tried running, but Stacy slide over the ground and hit it on the left side, and in the moment it hit the ground she staph a knife in the middle eye. The demon stop moving and she stood up looking down at it, her black pants had cuts and blood all over it and her bulletproof west was ruined too. You couldn’t see any emotions at her face. She took a worki torki and called over it.

“I have a code Delta number fifty at sector fourteen” she said in it.

Got it, what happen to Steve?” a man responded.

“He’s needs a ambulance” she answered

How bad is it?” he asked

“Don’t know, send a quick one”

“Got it, see ya back at the office”

She looked up to see a helicopter landing a few meters farter on. She walked over to it, the wind from it blow her long dark hair around. Five men in black with matching helms stepped out, marching over to the demon. While a man with no helm stepped out and walked over to Stacy. He was tall and muscular he had no hair on his head, and scars over the arms and face. “Hey you look like hell girl” Stacy gave him a cold glare “Maybe it’s because your team couldn’t handle a simple chaos and fire demon that where already wounded. So Steve and I had to spend the night finding that dame thing and kill it for you” she answered coldly. “Don’t be like that girl I know what you have been through, and to me and my teams defense that thing is dame good at seek and hide. Beside that I have two new comers, while you and Steve are professional demon hunters” he answered. She gave him, the glare again and stepped into the helicopter. I’m just not in the mood for this I have been on four missions on three days and got no sleep, I just want to go back and get a bath and some sleep.     

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