Chapter 6

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The next day I stopped by Ciels office to check on him and Sebastian. This kid was after all not like everyone else, he was more mature and sort of like me he didn’t show any emotions, but I didn’t know if that was Sebastian doing. I knocked on the door and walked in. Ciel looked up from his paper work, but there was no Sebastian in here.

“What do I earn the pleasure?” Ciel asked

“I was just checking on you making sure you didn’t suffer all alone” I said sitting in the chair.

“I fine thanks if that…” I cut him off

“No is not I was just kind to you because you just lost a family member again, but if you say that your fine then lets’ skip to the more important part” I said

“Make it quick” Ciel said

“Why didn’t you tell me about Sebastian” I asked Serious Ciel looked confused and a bit suspicious at me. “I followed the two of you and I saw the whole fight from start to end, almost, and now what I would like to know is Why the hell you didn’t tell me that I was working with a demon” I asked mad.

“I didn’t tell because you’re a demon hunter so I know it would fall into your instincts’ trying to killing him. Beside that I wasn’t sure if I could truly trust you” Ciel explained

 “I can’t do anything about the fact that you have been stupid enough to make a contract with a demon, what is the price by the way?”

“The price is my soul and I’m fully understandable about our deal and the same goes for Sebastian”

“I-d-i-o-t that’s what you are kid and like I said it doesn’t make a different, it would just be nice knowing why this house felt so oddly. And I’m just killing him after the feast” I said while starring mad at Ciel who starred mad back at me. “I’m sorry to say but I don’t think you can take him down, there is no one like him” Ciel said “And may I ask what makes you think that” I asked “To your information I have been killing demons like him since I was a child, I don’t give a damn shit about his strength. If you have other useful information’s tell them now”.

“No” he answered. “Fine then I will be off” I said and walked out the office.  He does have one point, if I knew the first day Sebastian was a demon I would have killed him, since that is my job. But like the things are now I can’t do it so I have to wait and hopefully I can find another way to save Ciel, there is no need to let him be a snack for a demon.

I looked out the window and saw the dog dragging Finny around, and breathe fire at the rest of the staff. “Hm, I didn’t knew they could breathe fire, what a surprise” I said to myself

“And I didn’t expect you to be such a cleaver little girl” a voice came from behind I turned around quickly and dumped right into Sebastian again.

“Ouch, this is the second time you do this to me” I said annoyed

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