Chapter 12

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When I came back, some of the kids came running out to me, one of them had a letter in his hands. “Slow down kids what’s wrong” I said and squat down. “Steve sent a message after you, here” they little boy past me the letter my name was on it but it was really bad wrote even for Steve.

Stacy the situation has gone worse, I’m writing this while fighting a swamp demon so it’s not gonna be pretty. But the boss was posses we had to kill him and trap the ghost demon, we explain you it more specific when you arrive. We will hide in Minnesota for two days and then go to Texas to meet another squad from L.A, if you haven’t found us by then, do some of your woo doo thing and find us I will take a change and leave a red scarf in the hideout. PLEASE COME!!!!!


Oh god this is a disaster, Thanks kids” I ran inside and up to my room packing all my stuff, I use a transporter spell and summed all my stuff at Elizabeth’s house to. I packed all the dangerous weapons in scrolls and the more normal in my new uniform. It was almost like the old one. A black bullet proof west and a top and shirt, black military pants and boots. It all had a camouflage spell on it. I putted my air up in a tall ponytail and took the bag I had on my shoulders. I ran down the stairs but got stopped on the way.

“Wow Stacy where are you going” Finny asked Mey-Rin got dragged out in the entrance by some of the kids and Bardroy came running up.

“I heard the noise, where is the fire” he asked Tanaka came with a fire extinguisher.

“I’m going back to America, to help my team. And you can’t stop me” I said and walked over to the door.

“What should we tell the master?” Mey-Rin asked

“What I just said” I answered and closed the door behind me I ran out to the forest and use a transporter spell and place myself somewhere in Minnesota. I landed in a swamp the water reach to my hips. “Eeew gross…” I complained I heard a sound and hided in the grass I bowed down so the water covered up to my neck.

“Hello is some there, guy is it you” a female voice asked, I looked up at the person and saw it was Rena. “Guys it’s not funny anymore” She said I stood up and walked over to her “Hey Rena I said” and crawled up on land to her, she immediately hugged me nut regret it. “Eew… you all wet” she complained. “Yeah you can complain when we are safe” I said she nodded and showed the way to the hideout. It was in the forest near the swamp they had found a huge hole and made a grass roof to it. “Impressive” I said and crawled in side.

“Where is the others?” I asked

“Patrolling, were in a area were the demons rules, and it is so easy to be seen, that’s why we only stay for two days” Rena answered.

“Can you explain the things a bit more?” I asked

“Hey Rena who is you new hot friend” a voice asked I turned around and saw a slight young man white short blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses he wore the same outfit as Steve. Rena sighted “Sorry he flirts with all the girls who is alive, this is Zach and Zach this is Stacy and she is not single” Rena said I pulled in her shirt and whispered “Thanks for defusing me, but I’m single”. “I know, I know but if I told the truth he would flirt constantly with you” she whispered back. “Oh Thanks” I said

“Okay now you are scarring me” he said

“Okay can you explain me it all now” I asked

“Let me do it” Zach said and corrected his glasses “STACY!” a lot of voices said I turned my head and saw Steve and some of the others from the head quarter. “Hey” I waved to them, but before I knew it they all hugged me.

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