Chapter 12

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"Well, you were right, Sam. The sun rise is really beautiful in the morning." I stated, looking at the different coloured clouds. Sam cracked up laughing. "What?" I looked at him, trying to figure out what on earth he was laughing at.

"Y you... say... sun rise... beautiful... morning?" Sam attempted to answer. I stared at him confusedly. He obviously got the message, as he took a deep breath. "Did you just say that the sun rise is beautiful in the morning?" Sam said, before he burst out laughing again.

"Shut up!" I said embarrassed. I felt my face heat up slightly.

Sam smirked at me, before he looked at his watch. "We should probably head back now, so we can shower. I suggest that we detour through the park." Sam stated.

"Why? That is what, an extra five minutes out of our way. Why should we go through the park?" I asked, not wanting to get home late. I really need to shower all of this sweat off.

"Well, it is called a detour, so it makes sense for it to take a little longer. Why are we going that way? Well you have to find out. Come on, I'll race ya! GO!" Sam said, before he started running.

Let me tell you now, I will never be able to catch up to him. I should do this more often, as the recluse nerd life style has really caught up to me. "Wait up!" I shouted as I attempted to catch up to him.


I was right. I could not catch up to him. By the time I was close to him, he was stopped at a food stand of some sort. He then turned to face me, holding two triple scoop ice cream cones. He started licking the choc mint one. He came up to me and gave me the other.

"Triple chocoholic with wafer through it. So triple the triple choc." He said with a smile.

"My favourite." I said, taking it happily. "Why are we eating ice cream while we are doing exercise?" I asked, taking a lick of the cool heaven in front of my face.

"Well, sometimes the ice cream stand gets here before me, so I buy one, to keep my energy. Rarely is it a triple scoop though." He said, before taking a big bite of his. And I actually mean a bite.

I stared at him, worried for the brain freeze he is sure to get from that. "Yeah, but you just said that you don't really get a triple scoop. Why did you today?"

"Well, I get them on special occasions, or when I feel it is needed. Today is one of those days where it is a special occasion, and it is needed." He replied, licking his ice cream this time.

"Well, what's the occasion, and why is it needed?"

"The occasion is that you came with me this morning, for the first time. The reason is you need to tell me why you were up this morning already." He answered, looking at me over the ice cream. "So tell me as we walk, why you were up so early." He said, as he started walking."

"Well, I had a dream, and woke with a fright." I started.

"Was it the dream?"

"No. it was mostly a nice dream. It still had Austin in it." I continued.

"Okay, explain to me, why it is you woke with a fright." Sam kept asking.

"You, mister, are starting to sound like Jane. I didn't come here for therapy." He shrugged. "Well, let me think. It was based at the 'after' party, I think. I mean, I was drinking, and the setting was what we have at the house, so I assumed that you were letting me drink for it was at our house. Anyway, I was dancing solo, and I went to get more beer when the song changed, when someone stopped me. We danced for a while, when he said something into my ear. I looked up to see Austin's face, but before I could say his name, one of the guys from school pulled Austin away from me. That's when I woke up." I explained to Sam, while he finished eating his ice cream cone. I continued to lick at mine, when I decided I would try and bite mine. I regretted it almost instantly, as I had brain freeze.

I must have pulled a face, as Sam laughed. "Easy there Tiger. Your brain isn't used to eating something so cold so early in the morning. We still have plenty of time to get back, so we can walk a little while longer." Sam said, clearly holding in laughter.

To prove to him I would survive, I took a big bite, getting the last of the ice cream, and gulped it down. I again regretted it, but I put a brave face on. He rolled his eyes, as he started to run again. I ate my cone, and felt invigorated. I started to run again too, and in a short time, I was starting to get closer to him. I increased my speed, and overtook him, I don't care if he was just going slowly because of me though. As I passed him, I yelled at him. "Race ya home!"


"Where were you two?" Mom asked, as we walked back though the front door.

"We went for a morning run, Margret." Sam said, as he walked over and kissed mom on the cheek. Mom smiled.

"Really, Sarah went as well?" Mom asked, looking at me.

"Yeah. I woke up at five thirty this morning, so Sam suggested I go with him. Now I need to go shower before school." I answered.

"Okay, I will be in the shed, honey, working out. Love you." Sam said to mom.

"If you must, hun. I love you too." Mom said, before kissing him on the lips.

I made a gagging noise, before heading upstairs. I heard mom say "You're only jealous."

"Whatever, mom." I yelled back. 


Hey hey, the update is here!!!

This chapter is dedicated to someone who put a smile on my face, by voting AND telling me that I am a good writer. THANKS AGAIN, you lovely stranger.

Not much to say today, so fair well, and see you in 7-14 days.

Cheers, Blabise

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