I Want To Get Well (book one)

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"I have many many issues. I have to many problems. I've been getting abused since i was six. I've been called worthless since eight. Ran away to many times to count. Have nothing but my sister who loves me. I don't like anyone. I hate the world." I whispered. "My name is Riley James."


Riley James was seriously fucked up. Abused and told worthless everyday, she handled it like any other strong women.

Her parents got sick of her. They sent we to an concentration camp. Not just any concentration camp, a camp full of myths.

In the camp she finds she has powers. In addition, powers to kill. She didn't even think that was possible to have these powers, since being a human. But she guessed she was nothing like a human.

In there she meets Stavi Evans. He was super old, but the face of a teenager. With plenty of contrabands on him. More like warrants. He's a rogue vampire. He's killed everything that ticked him off. From the lines of Vampires to life filled humans.

But when Riley pissed him off, he found he couldn't kill her. She was the only one who could face up to him, so they out them into partner group as a face to face talk. Stavi could only find her amusing with her weird antics.

Riley found Stavi amazingly handsome and to sophistic. Up in the air with killing people. Try living before you try to cut the people who's pose to be prey. At least live and ind love at least.

While in the camp, he finds out that Riley was his mate. Stavi didn't want to tell her. So he decided to make her fall in love with him. And together, they'll "Get well" till the end.


Inspired by: Icon for hire: Get well.

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