Fourteen: Going on a date- part2

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Stavi POV

I was served with just a glass of water as Riley had ordered already. I really couldn't eat here because, well, i'm a vampire. Or have you forgotten?

Riley had the chicken and mushroom soup sided with a small tray of noddles you can pour in, which she did. And a glass of water too.

Smiling at me with those pink lips, she whispered to me, "Thanks for taking me here." Blushing slightly, she continued. "How did you know i liked this place?" she asked.

Grinning nicely," I asked the Doc to help out. He gave us an extension on our stay here. A whole month together, Riley."

Blushing even brighter, she glared at me. "You didn't have to do that...." shed railed softly.

"But I wanted to Riles," i said back to her. She looked away from me as she was in deep thought.

Eating our food, we was just getting dessert. She cut a piece of vanilla cake out of her slice and held it to me. I have her my 'what are you doing look?'. She just glared at me with rolled eyes and pushed it in my mouth.

"Riley?" said a angry voice. I looked up to see an middle age man and a middle age woman holding a toddler.

Who were they?

Riley POV

"Mom! Dad?" i said startled. Pulling my fork that was resting in Stavi's mouth back to the plate. I glanced at my mom in her Sunday best and my father in his normal slob attire. And my sister on my mothers hips. Stacy smiled nicely at me.

"What are you doing here?" They asked. Gulping, i looked away. Trying to avoid their question. I felt Stavi and my parents stares on my face

"I'm on a date....."

"With this?" my father spat. He was looking at Stavi in disgust. Like i was the one making him look bad. "You could of choose better, young man."

Stavi glared at my father. "I happen to like your daughter sir-"

"My daughter!" he cried. Bringing more attention to us then needed. "This filthy monster is no child of mine." Ouch! Pain hit my chest hard and heavy and tried to cover my grimace.

"Plead leave!" i begged as i felt the tears coming. Of course, the didnt listenin. Only brought my mothers voice into the mix.

"Riley, why do you treat us so badly?" i looked at her angrily, tears in my eyes. She just looked bored.

"I've. Never. Treated. You. Badly." i whispered out every word, rage in my voice clearly heard. Then, a hand flashed out and slapped my face.

"DONT BACK TALK YOUR MORHER!" Screamed my father. I was on the ground, face burning on the right side to see Stavi get up and hold my father by his shirt.

"Don't ever touch Riley again." He growled darkly. Then out came his fist and punched him in the face. When he came over to me, his dark voice turned soft. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and he picked me up. My mother walked over my dad and went to a chair and a table. I ignored her as Stavi explained the situation and they let us go. With one last question.

"Are you two dating?" Asked a flirtatious waitress.

Stavi called back before i fell unconscious. "Yeah, she's my girlfriend."


Ahhh! late again. Watevas tho. Comment, vote, and fan.

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