Eight: Meeting the siblings

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(Continues Riley POV)

It was a nice change of scenery and how it was nicer than my home.

Stavi was following me like a lost puppy. His blue eyes was gleaming. His mouth pulled into a soft pout and when i sat down again, i felt his hand on mines.

"What's wrong with you Stavi?" I asked and i looked back at him. He just nuzzled my hair and sighed. He let go of me and i looked up at him. His blue eyes was telling me something he wanted to convey. Something that wanted show. I knew i could get well, but was this the kind of treatment i wanted from Doc. Huffman. "Stavi?"

He stood there, staring in my eyes. He didn't even look away as i heard his mother call him. Slowly, he lifted his eyes away from mines and looked at his mother. She was a beautiful woman, even if i couldn't describe her looks as another model of barbie. More like it was the reality version of barbie except brunette one.

"Yes, mom," he answered, his tone curt. I slapped him on the chest and he looked at me with a soft look. His mom giggled a bit but recovered herself quickly.

"You brothers and sister is here," her hand touching his shoulder and giving it what looked like a death grip. Even had him wincing slightly. Her mouth plastered with a hard smile, even if her son was out for a week, i could tell she wasn't about to let him ruin what she planned. "Go and introduce Riley to them, okay?"

"Yes," he responded back. Giving me a soft look, which wasn't even possible two weeks ago. "Want to meet them?" he asked me.

I smiled at him and stood up. My nervousness was evident so Stavi took my hand. As he walked me back to the door, i saw his father look down at a young looking girl and two boys about three inches shorter than my Stavi. Slow up! Your stavi, my mind challenged. But i shrugged it away.

As we got loser to them, it was amazing to notice they all had the same piercing eyes. Azure blues looked me up and down. Two was looking at the lock of my hand to Stavi's. So i reached over and said, "Hello, I'm Riley. Nice to meet you."

All three shook my hand. Their strength was good enough to fight. But i wasn't about to take my chances of getting hurt or anyone else. The two boys was Eli and Jeff. The only girl was Marlin. Her blond hair was flipped back, making a statement to move my hand away from her brothers and look me around all over. I started to fidget slightly.

Was i really being inspected?

Stavi Pov

I looked up to my sister. Her eyes was traveling over my mates frame and body as if she was a animal herself. Growling slightly, i meet Riley's eyes with mines. She had a nervous glint in them. I pulled her back and looked at my siblings.

With geniune smiles, they said happily, "Hey big brother," and gave me a hug. How i hated hugs. But this one, it was the nicest on i could ever get. Because they all pressed her body on mines. I looked down at her and smirked cockily.

"Hello there," i teased. I saw her blush at me and i slowly felt her mumble incohert words. I laughed in her ear and she shivered. Nice.....

Letting go, they all started to fire off questions.

"Where did you go?" asked Eli.

"Why did you leave me?" cried Marlin.

"When are you coming back?" asked Jeff.

I answered them in all one sentence. "I went to get help, i didn't leave you, you could of visited, and i'm coming back by the end of the summer to start my last year at high school." My mother looked about half to cry and my father looked down at us in pride.

But i was missing a little body. A body i was longing for more and more. I broke from them and looked for her. She had to be here....unless she left without saying goodbye.

Running, desperate now, i came to the kitchen and saw nothing but the brunette head i recognized instantly. I slowly went over to her and wrapped my hand around her waist. Pulling her to me. I felt my heart swell. I've fallen so easily to her.

Riley Pov

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and a head in my hair. I knew it was Stavi. Only he could feel left out when i was gone. This happened before when i had to talk to Doc. Huffman and he barged in and held me on his lap during the rest of it. You couldn't tell if i was blushing or turning into a tomato.

"What wrong this time?" i felt his mouth move to my ear and i shivered. His lips was soft and i knew it was only normal since he was just so.....attractive.

"You left without tellling me," he stated. I turned around and glared at him.

"You're my friend, not my father. Let's not start this," i muttered darkly. I broke from his grip and walked into the living room, telling everyone i was retiring early. They all said okay and i went up stairs as i felt Stavi look after me. I knew he cared but its annnoying having to come at my throat everytime i'm not by his side.

But I just cant leave him be....

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