Six: Friendships

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Stavi POV

She feel asleep softly. Who falls asleep unrelenting after crying. Only humans could do shit like that. But it doesn't matter, humans are the only threat to us.

Leaving the room in five in the morning wasn't procedure. But I needed to kill time. I couldn't let anyone know what was going on.

I left the room, making with inhuman grace, i walked down the hall. My knife, i always carry it around, in my hand. Making small its on the door i passes as i made it scrap against.

Coming down a flight a stairs, i looked at its spirally body. I sighed and thought of jumping down it. But then i would have to sit down for five second to recover. Or just take my sweet time walking.

I decided to jump down. I got over the railing and felt the harsh gravity pull me down and felt it whip my dark hair back. Making my eyes glossy as i fell. Stupid gravitational force.

Once i got to the second to last rail, i grabbed onto one and felt my arm pop out of its socket. Ouch.

Grinning wickedly, i fell he last two feet and let my arm hang. After i walked down to the nearest room, i popped it back in back. It enlisted a hiss from me but i just let it go as i felt my arm rotate normally.

Feeling my knife fall from it place, i saw it land directly next to my food. Cutting through the steal floors. I grinned nicely and picked it up.

As i went to the room, i saw my fatal mother and horrible father. Both of their eyes Azure blue but they looked sad as hell. I laughed evilly.

I sat down and slowly said, "Hello mother, father."

"Stavi," my mother sobbed. "How are you?" i just held my knife in my hand and smiled softly.

"I found my mate," i responded back. They both looked happy to know that. I just frowned slightly.

"That's amazing, Stavi!" exclaimed my father. His eyes shining. "What is she? Who is she?"

"I'll bring her when we have break off for a week." I looked up. My eyes looked at them. "I am accepted back home right?"

They both nodded and i smiled nicely. They was taking aback. "Goodbye," and i left.

They really must hate me if they wanted me to be placed in here. Sigh. How sad is that?

Riley POV

I woke up around eight and as soon as i did, i looked up to see a body on the protective separator. It was on my side and i saw it was Stavi. His eyes looked up at me nicely. It was a nice surprise.

"Want to be friends?" he asked. His tone gotten softer. Not so harsh.

I got up and walked away from his gaze. But if followed me everywhere. It didnt even stop when i got to the edge of the protective shield. I looked over to him and nodded.

"Yeah," I answered softly. "Why you ask now?" i questioned.

He shrugged and smiled at me. What the fuck? He looked so handsome, gorgeous even. His mouth luscious and full. He looked even human.

What was this feeling? It hurts...

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