Three: He can help, she all screams

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Riley POV

After i stopped laughing at him, i calmed down. Only to realize i was going to sleep.

It was peaceful. At first.

I was in the flower beds in front of my house. My friends was playing with me. My hair wild as theirs was. I having fun. And Ewing when the boys said try liked us girls.

The bright sky was turning ever so dark. I couldn't tell what was going on but my friends ran home. I called, "Why are leaving?"

I turned around and saw a large hand grabbed me by my collar. I was screaming, afraid. He was going to hurt me. "You worthless piece of shit!" And i slammed to the ground. The whole block was outside, one of the older boy tried to help.

Only to get yelled at. "Don't help her up! She doesn't need it!" He yelled.

"Get up Riley! Get up!" i tried to, but i couldn't. My leg screamed in pain. I screamed in pain. I started to cry.

"I can't! My leg hurts!" out of nowhere, a young man grabbed me as some others fought off my dad. I looked up into his dark red eyes and whimpered in his chest. I felt safe.

Stavi POV

She was screaming in her sleep. I had my curtain back, since i was studying her movements. As i could tell, she was in pain. Holding her right leg to her chest. Her hair disarray.

I called out to Doc. Huffman, which wasn't normal. He came in and said, "What is it now boy!" frightened a bit. I pointed to Riley. He raced over to her and woke her out of her dream.

She pushed him away and clung to her legs. Her eyes darting around like a frightened animal. Her face covered in fresh tears. As she caught i was looking, she only gave me a look. A look i haven't seen in ten years. Felt like a century.

I was surprise the strong girl a few hours ago was gone and replaced with this helpless one. I sighed and slowly went to her.

I dont know what she see comfort in my natural state. I looked down at her and saw she was like a little kid. Not even in her prime of adulthood. About seventeen.

"Doc Huffman," i began and saw he was looking at me, "what does she want?" i asked stiffly. I didnt have humans around me usually, so i didnt know how to act around them, except the Doc of course.

"She want you to hold her....." he muttered so lowly. i stiffened even harder and slowly, jot to scare her, wrapped my strong arms around her. I felt her heartbeat and her scent was.....beyond.

She smelled like meadows. Flowers of a certain scent. Like winter morning of fresh snow. Like a Sunday after noon in the fall. Like....pure sweetness.

I let go of we after and while, for she had fell. She was soundly knocked. Her breathing slow and healthy.

I walked back to my room and laid there. The Doc left like a few minutes ago. So i had the rest of the night to stare at her. Not to figure out the best plan to kill her. Not to see which vein would be filled with blood. see her sleep without any trouble.

I Want To Get Well (book one)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ