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That's it.

That's the end of my story.

While my summer doesn't exactly end mid-August, nothing else important happens. It relatively stays the same. The only major thing that happens is that I get into a fight with Taylor but it's easily fixed.

I continue to date Calvin. Taylor gets together with Wesley, which I think he did just to please his father. Jasmine finds a really nice girl named Lily, Alec stays Alec. Oliver, well he's off in another state for school. The Proposition is taking a break, like they do every year around the end of summer, and Cassidy. Well, we've actually gotten better.

Once I started dating Calvin she stopped questioning who I was always hanging out with. I found dating Calvin is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I finally get the little sister that i've always wanted. A curse because, my little sister wants to include herself in my activities when Calvin is around. To her dismay i'm not that keen on sharing, especially if it involves something illegal. Thankfully her little crush on Austin kept her busy.

My sessions with Doctor Fisherman have become a bit more open. I wont discuss what we talk about because confidentiality and all that jazz, but mainly because I trust her. I've been working on my trust and despite writing down my eventful summer for you I don't trust you enough with every detail of my life. Hell even Doctor Fishermen doesnt know my deepest secret, only one person knows and she's no longer around to tell the tale.

So i'm here to say that this entry will be shorter than the others. This is the section at the end of a novel. The acknowledgements if you will. But instead I wont be acknowledging anyone. While there are people I would like to thank for helping fill in a few of the blanks I can tell them in person.

This is more of a final words type of thing.

Before I leave however there's one more thing i'd like to say.

This is a work of pure fiction. There is no one named Charlotte, or Taylor, or Calvin, or Jasmine, Alec, or even Cassidy. There's no place called Journey or Riptide. This is just a stupid story I decided to write for my assignment in a equally stupid class and I'm sorry that I made you believe that all of this really happened. None of these characters are real. None of the events that happened within this story's summer happened. It was all just a character I made up and created a life for.

Any resemblance to any person, place, or event is totally unintentional and just a frickin coincidence. I hope there isn't any resemblance because that'd be odd.

Now if you'll excuse me I can smell food calling me. So i guess i'll put the end here.


The End.

• End Of Part One •

• — • — •

While this might be the end of Charlotte's story it's not the end of my story. I hope you guys stick around for part two which will be posted in a couple of days.

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