Chapter 9: Part 2 The Rune Dance

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All eyes were on Jiggy-V, who was bouncing and jumping up and down like an out of control kid. She looked like a lunatic who'd just seen the impossible but she sounded so convincing and excited, they just had to come and see. Those who'd been dancing separated and quickly made their way toward Jiggy-V. Girls who'd been standing around sipping drinks and chit chatting, heard the screaming voice and gasped, not expecting such a noise. Then, they slowly made their way to where the overexcited, manic girl was standing. In no time at all, more than half the people in the room had made their way to where Jiggy-V stood. They formed a half circle behind her, all wanting to see what the big fuss was about.

But when they saw what she'd called them there for, they too burst out laughing till their eyes filled with tears. The guys cackled. The girls giggled unstoppably and whispered to one another, pointing, only to burst out laughing yet again. Bobby stood there, staring around at the amused crowd and back to Layra and LaBerge, feeling speechless. He just stood there...and watched.

"Hey, hey!" howled one, pointing excitedly. "Lookie here! Looks like the clown's got himself a girlfriend!"

"Awwwww, how sweet!" one mocked.

"What a pair!" laughed one. "Dumb and Dumber, or should I say...Clown Dumb and Clown Dumber!"

The gathered crowd erupted with sheer laughter. If what they said was true, how it was possibly to die of laughter, it was possible with this crowd. They were out of control.

Layra looked away, nuzzling her head into his chest and whispered shakily, "It's alright. Just ignore them. It's our night."

LaBerge noticed Layra was starting to cry, but she didn't want him to see. He frowned and wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered back, fighting to hold back tears, "Don't worry. This is our night. T-they can't ruin it...they won't."

The two kept their heads down and their eyes closed, hoping to block out the screams and jeers from the roaring crowd, but it was hopeless. They were now officially entertainment for this amused crowd and sadly enough...they were just getting started.

Bobby stood staring at the two in a trance. Here they were, enjoying themselves, lost in their own secret passion till Jiggy-V came along and began a riot, a cruel, sick riot. If he didn't think this earlier, he was now convinced of it. There was no mistaking the fact that LaBerge, the colorful clothes wearing, clown loving, guy...had no friends. Not even one. Except for Layra that is, but besides her, everyone in that room on that night, jeered at him, mocked him and his "uncool" choice of clothes and danced around him, all waving their arms and chanting, "Clown Boy, Clown Boy, nothing-but-a-clown-boy!" and what Jiggy-V soon started, "Down with the Clown, Down with the Clown!" She had the crowd all worked up and rebbed up for a show. By the way things were going, you'd think her job was nothing less than to make LaBerge's night downright miserable and if that were the case...she was succeeding.

"It's okay, Layra," he sniffled, nuzzling her softly. "They won't ruin our night." The poor guy was on the verge of losing it entirely.

"Hey, Clown Boy!" howled one. "What kind of freak goes around dressed in a rainbow tux, or is that the only style of clothes you wear?"

One of the girls stepped up, giggled and sneered, "And what's up with the curls? Like, what the hell? What kind of guy goes around with curls in his hair?"

"Any hair elastics I can borrow, clowny?" one teased.

"I'll bet he doesn't even know the meaning of cool," said one. "He's an idiot!"

"Hey, everyone!" screamed Jiggy, bouncing up and down excitedly, clapping her hands. "I say we do something about it. We don't want some guy dressed in a clown suit here at our dance, right?"

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