Chapter 8 Part 1: A Date for a Dance

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The following day was a hectic one. Dados were heading back and forth, all over the castle preparing for the big event. Most spent their time in the room where the big event was to be held, putting up decorations and helping with lights. On most days, guests and Challengers living at the castle were permitted to roam freely and do as they pleased…but today was different. That evening, a Rune Dance was going to be held and since Challengers were given hardly any time for relaxing without having to worry about being killed in a deathly game with killer sharks or charging dados…parties were a time where they could try and loosen up, lay back and enjoy themselves.

Dances at the castle were among the more popular events. Some even referred to it as a well earned occasion, which was a sick way of thinking of it, but how else could one look at it? Of course the thought of being killed the following day was never a good one and those sort of things stuck with them, but if it were truly going to be their last time for a bit of fun, why not make the best of it? That’s how Challengers felt and tonight, they were going to attend the highly anticipated Rune Dance and by the sounds of it…the hosts knew how to throw an awesome party.

Veego might not have been what you’d called a party girl, not like her party-loving brother, but it was crucial that Challengers were given a grand time, to help build up the excitement for the upcoming games. It was just another basic part of the overall plan. Challengers, when at parties or gatherings, were mostly quiet and didn’t talk much. They’d chit chat here and there, but did whatever they could to avoid discussing the games. But with the Rune Dance being as big and well known as it was…the excitement was only building.

Bobby woke up early and saw it was eight-thirty. He was usually the sleeping-in-sort-of-guy but he figured he might as well head down, have a quick bite to eat and get some input on what to expect at the upcoming dance. Never hurt to ask. He’d just heard about it last night, when he’d heard a few Challenges mention it.

His room that morning wasn’t exactly clean…but that was the least of his worries. A few dirty clothes on the floor were no biggie. Fourteen would be right there to tidy and neaten the place up till it was spick and span and by the looks of the other rooms…dados were quite exceptional with their handiwork.

He took the elevator, made his way downstairs and took a seat in the dining hall and at once, a servant was right there next to him.

“Morning sir, what can I get you?” he asked formally.

Bobby thought for a moment and said, “Just bacon and toast…and a few pancakes.

“And to drink?” asked the dado.

“Doesn’t matter,” said Bobby. “Orange juice is fine.”

“Alright,” said the dado. “I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Bobby sat back comfortably and allowed his mind to drift. He wasn’t looking forward to this dance much and for a few reasons. One, he and Layra had just been arguing last night and it was clear they weren’t off to a good start as Challenger partners. She obviously trusted LaBerge and now the two were secretly part of what they called the Quillan Revolution, a rebellion against Blok, while Bobby wanted no part of it. As long as LaBerge was part of it, it’d be a no go. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the goof actually going against his own sister. It made no difference how he looked at it, it all seemed weird. That guy was a member of Blok. He was part of the company! He couldn’t even get his head around that much alone and now Layra was expecting him to just jump up with a smile on his face and say, “Yeah, buddy! I’ll join!” He shook his head and groaned. If they were going to be partners…they had to find some way to cooperate.

“What have I gotten myself into?” he thought, dazed.

But he had no time to sit and complain because his breakfast had arrived. The dado was carrying two large silver platters. Bobby took a sniff…and could already smell the warm, crisp bacon.

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