Chapter 12: The Revolt Against Blok

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"Hello to everyone!" said Layra, her voice amplifying. "As you can see, my partner and I are Challengers for the upcoming games in the Great Four tomorrow. My name's Layra and I'm Challenger Black and this is my partner, Bobby, Challenger Red. As most of you may already know, Challenger Red has been here before, where he played in the Grand X and if any of you don't already know, he succeeded. Now if you're wondering why we're here and what we're up to, well, we're going to tell you. Challenger Red and I are about to compete in the Great Four and our plan is to overthrow these two champions but I need to ask something from you all in return. Please, please do not vote for Challengers Gray and Brown."

She paused for a moment, then went on.

"If you're tired of these games, if you're tired of your constantly controlled lives and want it brought to an end, please, vote for us. We'll do all we can to free you from these deathly games but we need to know all of you are behind us and that you're here to support us as a team. We're part of a rebellion. A rebellion against Blok. Please, our time's running out. The games are tomorrow and if you want to join this revolution, please, start taking action. Or as much action as you can."

The people watched curiously, as if their eyes were glued to the screens.

"Do whatever you can, protest or even better, join our rebellion and stand with us! We can't do this alone. We need all of you if we stand any chance in triumphing. We need you to change your votes, now, or as soon as possible. As soon as we're done with the Great Four, our next step will be overthrowing Blok and banishing the Quillan games for good! Stand with us people! We can do this! Those two champions are working with Blok, not against! Believe us, stand with us and I promise you, a rebellion will begin!"

While Layra carried on with her speech, the people of Rune were slowly being drawn to her and her strongly spoken words. At first, it was only a couple of people cheering and rooting her on but the longer she went on, the more hyped up the crowd became and soon, all throughout Rune…people were cheering and screaming their heads off for Challenger Black and Challenger Red and were chanting, "Down-with-Blok, down-with-Blok, down-with-Blok!" and "Red, Red, Red, Red!" and "Black, Black, Black, Black!" Many of them at this point were booing at the champion Challengers, Brown and Gray, shouting, "Down-with-Gray, down-with-Gray!" and "Down-with-Brown, down-with-Brown!"

Signs had been made showing the trustees of Blok with a red circle around it and a slash through the middle. Some seemed angry, not toward the two Challengers, but toward Blok and they were now opening up and showing the anger they'd built up inside them for all this time. After all that time and after how long they'd been caged inside, it was all slowly starting to pour out. They chanted and chanted, waving their arms in the air while marching down the streets in long lines, shouting just as loudly.

A riot had begun and the start of a growing rebellion had begun with it. The word was finally getting out there and it was all because of Layra. And Bobby of course, threw in a few words of his own. But he let Layra take care of the whole thing, seeing how confident she felt and he could tell just by the look in her eye that she meant business. He may not have felt overly comfortable with the whole idea but she sounded pretty sure of herself so he figured he ought to let her do what she needed to do. Besides, it seemed like they had the crowd on their side.

"So it's official," said Bobby after Layra's speech. "We've got a second chance at taking back Quillan."

"You've got a second chance," she corrected with a smile. "And I'm gonna help you. Just like LaBerge is going to help the both of us. It's all coming together Bobby. We've got a shot at this, now that the word's gotten out there."

"So, the rebellion's begun?" asked Bobby.

"It has so begun," said Layra with a confidant smile.

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