Chapter 9 Part 1: The Rune Dance

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Bobby turned around and there…saw a relieving sight. Strolling into the room with a smile on her face was Layra…and she looked great. She wore a black, sparkling dress with white polka dots that fell down to her knees with a loose bow tie-shaped waistband at the side. Her hair was curled and up in a tight but messy bun, with a simple silver headband. She wore a pair of dangling black and white earrings along with a necklace of beaded purls. Her nails were a deep, rose colored red and her black matching heels helped fit the overall picture. She wore a touch of mascara and just the right amount of glittering eye shadow. She looked like she was ready for the long-awaited prom of her life.

And strolling in next to her, holding her hand with a bright smile of his own…was her date, LaBerge. It was impossible to mistake him for anyone else. His hair, as Bobby had seen earlier was a mass of wild blonde curls that bounced when he walked. He wasn’t wearing his black and red bathrobe but what looked like some kind of tuxedo. Bobby looked him over and guessed it was your casual tux…but in color. He wore a white colorfully striped coat with lapels, simple white pants, a yellow and purple polka dotted bow tie, white shoes and pinned up by his left breast pocket was a rose. He too was ready for a dance…and some wild fun. Like always, he looked like the king of Gumdrop Mountain. Normally, guys were supposed dress formal and wear black suits…not wacky color coated suits. To him, it just looked wrong…yet it was so LaBerge.

Bobby looked them over and saw how perfectly matched they were. Layra’s dress was of polka dots, and LaBerge was, not exactly in polka dots that night but her polka dots went quite nicely with his stripes. Bobby only wondered what in the world the others would say when they saw the goof and his wacky tux. After Layra looked the massive room over, she spotted Bobby and hurried over, with LaBerge following right behind.

“Bobby!” she called, rushing up to him. Layra saw that like most guys, Bobby was wearing simple and casual clothes; a t shirt and jeans and a pair of DC shoes. Very casual.

“Hey,” he said somewhat awkwardly. “Look, sorry about the other night, I-”

“Don’t worry about it,” she smiled. “Tonight’s gonna be awesome! Let’s just forget about it. Besides, that’s old news.”

“Sounds good,” said Bobby.

“Uhhh,” Jiggy-V interrupted with a snort. “Who in great name is that goof?” Both Bobby and Layra saw who she was pointing at…LaBerge. He gave her an innocent look and held out his hand with a weak, nervous smile.

“L-LaBerge is the name,” he said shakily. “I-I’m the host of the castle, with my sister of course. Lovely to meet you.”

“Uh, you’re weird,” she spat, rolling her eyes. “Who the hell dressed you, your mommy? What’s wrong with you?”

LaBerge frowned and turned away. Layra placed a hand on his shoulder and snapped at Jiggy-V, “Leave him alone! He owns the place you know.”

Jiggy-V stomped right up to Layra, glared her straight in the eye and teased, “He, he he, make me! Oh, and if I might ask, is that clown seriously your date? Huh, is he, is he, is he? Tell me! Ahhhh! Just tell me already!”

Layra raised a brow and shook her head.

“Why do you care?” she asked plainly.

“Well, I don’t,” Jiggy-V admitted. “You see, I’m here with Booby.”

“Booby?” asked Layra.

“Yes sir ree,” she said with a childish giggle. “Good old Booby. God, is he ever dashing! Don’t you agree? Now enough small talk! Come on Booby, you’re comin’ with me! Later gators. He, he, he! Let’s get this party started, yeah! Wooooooh!”

A Sequel to the Quillan GamesWhere stories live. Discover now