Chapter 7 Part 2: Lovebirds Falling in Love

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For what felt like hours, the two floated on their backs while staring up at the clouds, seeing what sort of shapes they could find. Layra knew how much Bobby hated clowns so she decided to keep the whole thing secret since most of the clouds up there were shaped like clowns anyway! Not among Bobby’s favorite. But Layra and LaBerge were happily enjoying themselves, floating about as if they were the only ones out there.

And in a way, they were. Only a few were out finishing up supper or chit chatting and simply enjoying the night. But they didn’t mind. They were having a nice, relaxing swim and for almost once in his harsh, difficult life, LaBerge was actually at ease and could just lay back without having to worry about his strict, controlling sister barking and snapping at him.

After considering it for some while, he believed that night, laying back with Layra staring up at the clouds…was probably the greatest night of his entire life. Finally, after convincing himself it would never happen, he’d at last found someone who didn’t look at him as a worthless imbecile. All his life he’d had to put up with the whispers and comments. He always had the idea he’d spend the rest of his life alone, never to make friends or find someone special…till Layra came around.

She wasn’t like others. She didn’t look at him like he was nuts or insane or an idiot. She treated him like a real friend. She spent time with him and that’s something not too many ever did with him. But Layra did. They laughed and joked and just had a real, heartfelt good time. LaBerge was so glad she’d asked him here. It felt so great for him to just get out and be himself without always having to worry. Right then, he didn’t care about Veego. He only cared about his night with Layra. She’d allowed him to come out of his shell and his gloomy life and be the fun and cheerful guy he was.

And from there, the two quietly and secretly went about this nightly routine…all without anyone’s knowing. They kept it to themselves. Each night, they’d meet out by the gardens out back of the castle. One night, they’d go for a swim. Others, they’d take a long stroll through the winding gardens or gaze up and see who could point out the most constellations. They saw Rune’s Tree, the Shimmering Fall and LaBerges’ favorite…the Colorful Clown. One time, they could have sworn they saw a shooting star. On the odd night, if Veego were out for the evening, they’d even set up a nightly camping trip out back of the castle. They brought everything they’d need for a campout. Sleeping bags, flashlights, tribbun, Runkles, pillows and of course…LaBerge brought a couple of clown dolls.

And the best part of it was…they had the distant hills all to themselves. They were the only ones out there and had all the space and privacy they could ever want. It was perfect.

One night, him and Layra set up a campfire up on the grassy hills and LaBerge showed her one of the things he’d loved doing as a kid (when he was alone). He’d brought from the castle a pack of Tribbun and two long sticks. He placed three of the tribbuns on the end of one of these rods, moved it close to the crackling flames, waited a moment or two…and pulled it out. Layra saw the tribbun had turned a warm, golden orangey color. It looked scrumptious.

“Try it!” he told her, handing her a piece. “They melt right in your mouth!”

She took it curiously, raised it to her mouth, and took a bite.

LaBerge watched her with bright eyes.

“How is it?” he asked excitedly.

Her eyes lit up at once.

“I-It’s delicious!” she exclaimed, licking her wet, sticky fingers.

“I knew you’d like it!” he said, clapping his hands. “Nobody can pass down a round of roasted tribbun!”

A Sequel to the Quillan GamesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя