Chapter 6: Layra's Story

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"Well, first off," said Layra. "My story's pretty much the same as anyone else's, really. Mine's no different. Back then, years ago, I thought I was just your ordinary teen, just a regular kid without a care in the world. That's what I always thought. I never thought I'd be shown or told of things that weren't, how would you put it...strange?"

"You're not...normal?" asked Bobby curiously. He couldn't help wonder where she was going with this and the one question that kept on bugging him...was she a traveler?

He remembered himself always having that idea, being your every day kid, basket ball player, only to be dragged off and into a whole 'nother ball game while trying to save all that ever was or will ever exist. Was she in the same boat? He kept on listening, in hopes of getting some answers.

Layra shook her head and said, "Heck, that's what I thought...till I found out I wasn't like normal people. I was what you'd call 'different'."

"You're not by any chance...a traveler, are you?" he asked. He figured it'd be better to just throw the big question out there right there and then.

Layra thought for a moment and then said, "Yes…and no. I'm a traveler, that's for sure. It was twelve years ago, I'm pretty sure it was when I was visited by someone, a man who told me all about travelers and how I wasn't like other people. He showed me to other territories and explained to me what Halla was and turning points and a shape shifting, demon traveler named Saint Dane, trying to tear it apart and bring it all into chaos. At first, I couldn't get over it. He showed me the farm barges of Cloral, and the Lifelight fantasies from Veelox, and the sky bridges of Leeandra and the beaches of Ibara. It was all so...amazing. At first, I kept on wondering whether it was all some sort of whacko dream but after seeing it all, right in front of me...I knew it was real. All of it. And he told me about quigs too. Can't forget those. The whole story itself freaked me out a little but what freaked me out most of all was knowing there was a guy out there wanting that much of mess. Well anyway, I was pretty freaked out and all but there was something about the guy that told me everything would be alright. I trusted the guy. It was like hearing what he had to say, well...made it seem like everything really was going to be alright. I'd never met a guy like him. He was so calm and sure of things. Sound familiar to you?"

Bobby looked to the ground. He knew who exactly she was referring to. He'd had that exact conversation laid down to him years ago, only it felt like yesterday.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "That was my Uncle Press. He's the one who first showed me the flumes and told me all about this, really."

"Your uncle!" Layra exclaimed. "Well that explains a lot! Yeah, he was a real nice fella. He told me all about you and how I'd be seeing you some day. Wait-" she paused, looked him softly in the eye and said, "Was?"

Bobby nodded and told her softly, "He's dead."

Saying those words never made him feel any better about the whole thing. Not having his uncle around while bouncing about the territories to accompany and guide and help him felt...lonely. That's how he felt and as time went on, he began to miss Uncle Press more and more. It wasn't the same having him around.

Layra nodded quietly and said in a whisper, "I'm sorry, Bobby."

He nodded in respect and said, "Keep going though."

"Well," Layra continued. "I'm a traveler, but I'm not like you and the other travelers of your generation. I'm what's called a Hidden Traveler."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Bobby, his head swimming. "How's that any different from regular travelers?"

"It's the same thing, basically," said Layra. "The only difference really is we're not seen as easily as other travelers. In a way, I guess you could say we're invisible. To Saint Dane, anyway. We're an extra couple of travelers he never learned about, or even knows about to this day. We're only called hidden because that's what we are. We're hidden from Saint Dane's eyes. He assumed you were all the Last Generation...but that's where he thought wrong. He'd been mistaken. You're not the last. We've been hiding in secret for some time now and as long as we keep hidden, hopefully he won't know there are more travelers out there, only in secret. But we've got all the same abilities like you, persuasion, powers of shape shifting, and being able to heal one another but there's one addition to the bunch."

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