Chapter 13: The Rebellion is Exposed

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It was just as Bobby remembered. A big old office like room with a long, solid black desk with chairs set up on either side and in those chairs sat the trustees. There were ten chairs in all; ten trustees in total and it was then, staring out at those ten chairs that he recalled Saint Dane sitting there. He'd taken the identity of a man named Mr. Kayto and as far as the other trustees knew, he was the real Mr. Kayto. Little did they know this was anything but true. But there was no Mr. Kayto amongst the waiting trustees.

This could only mean two things. Either Saint Dane wasn't here or he'd taken the form of one of the other trustees in this room which in that case, meant he'd killed one of them or they'd been dead for some while. The only question remaining was if Saint Dane was in fact present, which trustee had he taken the form of?

Bobby looked to the very end of the table, where a man no older than thirty sat, staring ahead. The man's black hair was cut short, and like the others, he wore a gray, formal suit. His eyes were small and beady, and hardly seemed to blink. It was then that Bobby noticed the man was staring directly at him. That alone, told him everything. Saint Dane had once again slithered his way in with the trustees. Saint Dane might not have made much of an appearance so far, but even so, he was still part of the action.

Veego meanwhile, stood at the far end of the desk with her arms crossed and a cold glare in her eyes. And next to her stood her brother, LaBerge.

The poor guy was licking his lips and trying to look as professional as possible but after Layra's recent speech, anyone could see that the guy was terrified. But this time, he wasn't wearing rich, colorful clothes like he normally did. Here, he looked professional, like a mirror image of his sister. He wore a simple gray blazer, with gray pants and black shoes but what stood out from all of that was the rainbow, polka dotted bow tie. Typical LaBerge.

Layra saw that Veego was whispering something to one of the trustees and quickly, she looked to LaBerge and gave him a confident smile. He nodded and gave her a weak smile back. He might have been nervous, but he was still holding on.

Veego saw this and nudged him roughly in the shoulder with a "Don't even think about it!" look in her eyes. LaBerge flinched and nodded fretfully. So much for Veego not seeing. Layra figured that woman must have had eyes in the back of her head and kept them fixed onto her brother's every move. The poor man was like a dog on a leash.

The trustees then turned their attention to Bobby and Layra. One of them, one of the older women, rose from her seat with a gesturing smile and said, "Please, take a seat."

Of course Bobby and Layra didn't want to sit down whatsoever, but really, they had no choice. Strolling over, they took a seat, wondering how much trouble they'd be in and what sort of punishment or price they'd have to pay. This could be it. This could very well be the end. Had their training all been for nothing? Were they going to be executed one day too early? Were they even going to get a shot at playing in the Great Four? They were about to find out.

"So," one said casually. "Looks like you two have really been raising the stakes."

Bobby and Layra kept quiet.

"Don't think we don't know about your little speech," added another. "We heard everything. What is it you two are planning? A rebellion against Blok? Is that what you called it?"

"Uhh" said Layra, caught up in her own words. LaBerge watched her with saddened eyes and an unmistakable frown. The guy was just as troubled as she was.

"Look," said one of the younger women with mock kindness. "We admire your strong choice of words, but you two can't possibly believe you're capable of building a revolution, let alone, overthrowing a well organized and well established company that's been in the making for nearly ten years now! This must be a joke you two are putting on for the crowd, am I right? Is this some well planned game you two are playing?"

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