Chapter 3: Dinner with the Hosts

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When Bobby and Layra entered the castle, Bobby took a quick look around and saw that nothing had changed. Things were exactly as he’d remembered them, but as this was Layra’s first time seeing such a grand, imperial place, her eyes dropped as soon as she stepped inside. For her, as he guessed, it was like they were entering a whole new world, which in a way, they were. The city of Rune was among the dullest, greyest sorta place imaginable but here in the castle of Veego and LaBerge...everything was spectacular.

They were standing in the entrance hall, which alone was an impressive sight that gave you the idea that whoever lived here was living it good. The windows up along the arched ceiling were stained glass with bright, vibrant colors and pictures of all sorts. They were mostly of people playing games as Bobby now recalled. Challengers. Some were running, others were shooting what looked like a basketball into a net, though it was much larger and some were standing on that grand and familiar stadium where the Grand X took place. Bobby hoped he’d never have to step foot on that stadium again. Once was plenty enough.

As they continued along, Layra noticed the floors were marble and were built with mosaic patterns that crept their way right up the walls which made it look as though the whole place were of shapes and patterns. Dangling from above, were golden, expensive looking chandeliers that could have been worth a fortune. There were vines that snaked their way up the star railings and odd, but divine looking plants scattered about. It made the place smell fresh and welcoming. Wherever you looked, there was always something notable. The castle of Veego and LaBerge was nothing less than captivating. They soon found themselves being led up a long, curved flight of stairs that led up to a balcony high above. But what Layra soon noticed was the flags. Everywhere she looked, there were colorful flags fluttering from every level, all with the exact same colors; purple and yellow. Most of the windows were opened, why explained why the multiple flags snapped in the breeze.

“I’m pretty sure they’re the logo colors,” Bobby whispered to Layra, as if reading her mind. “You know, how people recognize them.”

When they reached the top of the stairs, Veego called out firmly, “Fourteen!”

“Fourteen?” asked Layra, puzzled. “What’s that-”

“He shows you to your rooms,” Bobby explained. “You know, kinda like what servants do. They’ve got servants all over the place. Only, the thing is, they’re dados. They’re everywhere.”

“Oh,” said Layra. “That’s, er, interesting.”

In seconds, the recognizable figure of Fourteen was at Veego’s command. He was just as Bobby remembered. He was rather small and was all dressed in white. His long sleeved shirt was dressed in white, his pants, his gloves and even his shoes. Very formal. He was bald with a casual necktie with of course, the colors of purple and yellow but what Bobby remembered most about Fourteen was that although he was a dado, a robot, a machine that in reality, had no feelings, Fourteen he believed was different.

He may not have actually jumped up with joy saying things like, “Oh, you’re going to love the room, Challenger Red!” or anything bubbly like that, but Bobby sensed that somewhere in that little machine, was a heart, if that was even possible. Most importantly, he was Bobby’s closest friend and ally while staying on Quillan and he was pleased to know he hadn’t gone anywhere. He always hoped he’d get the chance to his robo buddy again and now he’d gotten that chance. And he’d even gotten himself a name tag buttoned onto his shirt, as Bobby had asked. In thin, black, one inch letters read, “Fourteen.”

“Layra, you’ll be coming with me,” said Veego. “Thirteen shall be escorting you for this evening.”

Layra turned to leave and looked back at Bobby, smiling nervously. He waved back at her reassuringly. There wasn’t much to worry about right then.

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