Chapter 8 Part 2: A Date for a Dance

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Bobby stared in shock…trying to get his head around what he was seeing. It seemed so bizarre and out of place, yet it was real as could be. LaBerge was at the piano.

“Uh…what?” thought Bobby, blinking. The whole scene, the clown loving guy, the wild blonde curls, the black and red robe, it all seemed so…un-LaBerge-like. But there he sat, wearing that long familiar bathrobe that fell to the ground with his hair done up in loose, dangling curls. The guy must have already showered and was throwing on the few final touches before joining his date at the Rune Dance. No matter which way he looked at things or how many times he tried telling himself what he was seeing wasn’t real… it all just felt like one hilarious joke. LaBerge going to a dance with a date was just so out of the ordinary. Then again, he wasn’t too sure what ordinary was anymore. Like he’d learned time and again…anything could happen.

“He…plays piano?”

He shook himself together and thought, hoping he wasn’t going crazy, “Wait…what?”

In his eyes, piano plus LaBerge equaled ridiculous! If LaBerge was the bubbly goof he’d proven to be, did it make sense he could play the piano as well as put on a host’s welcoming smile and charm? The question was…how good of a player was he? That’s what Bobby wondered.

“Odds are he’s not that great,” he told himself, staring into the room, never his eyes fixed on the huge piano. “So he can play a few notes, big deal…”

He was all set on how good a player this clown-loving guy really was…when LaBerge dropped his hands from the keys and sat there in silence. Bobby watched him and could tell there was something on his mind, whether it troubled and worried him…he wasn’t sure. But he wasn’t about to walk in and start up a conversation. Not with this goof.

It was obvious whatever song or tune LaBerge played earlier, the noise he’d heard out in the halls, there’d be no hearing it again. He guessed the guy’s mind was now on the Rune Dance, and having a few fun hours with Layra.

But he didn’t have much time to stand there and wonder. LaBerge quietly got up and walked straight for the door. Bobby pushed his way back and as quick as his legs could carry him…he rushed off. No way would he let LaBerge catch him spying.

While running, he looked over his shoulder and saw LaBerge hadn’t even seen him or was glancing his way. He just went on staring at the ground while he shuffled on by. But Bobby didn’t stop to stare. He bolted away from there, not wanting to be seen.

“Man, that was close!” thought Bobby, panting heavily. “Last thing I need’s that freak catching me like some kind of spy. I’d never hear the end of it.”

But Bobby had to admit to himself that time was running out. Following the Rune Dance would no doubt, be the dreaded games he and Layra would have to play. The time for Layra and LaBerge to get their revolution started was drawing near. And as much as he hated the idea, and wished for some other option…the possibility might not be there.

Though in his own mind, he feared the worst of it, he had to consider it. He had to consider giving Layra the benefit of the doubt…and trusting LaBerge. Whether he believed and trusted the guy or not…he had to consider joining Layra’s revolution…which meant teaming up with LaBerge.

He stopped dead in his tracks, repeated that thought to himself and burst out laughing. The idea of he and LaBerge becoming friends seemed…pretty much impossible. He hated having to even consider it, but with the way things were going and how badly things had gotten on Quillan, there weren’t a lot of options. He’d at least have to give LaBerge a chance, even if he felt it would do no good for him, Layra, and their chance at surviving the games.

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