Chapter 4: Suspicions Arise

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Bobby slept like a rock. When he awoke, he looked up at the swirl shaped clock on the wall and saw it was five to nine. His first thought was "Where's Layra?" Was she still snoozing away or was she the same sort of sleeper he was, the sort who prefers sleeping in and at that moment, Bobby was in no mood in leaving bed. The sheets were warm, the pillows soft, it was all so perfect. If not for the horrid games and deadly results, he’d say this were his dream home. But then again, it wasn’t exactly his home. This splendid, luxurious castle belonged to Veego and LaBerge. Not him. They were the game masters. They were in charge of the Quillan Games and as long as they were running the show, the castle was under their names...and their names only.

He sighed and sunk his back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t help wondering when these upcoming games were going to take place, and where. He expected another classic Tato match at that towering, high off the ground arena called the Garden. That may have been among the more frightening games, when you’re high up off the ground on a tilting, unsteady arena. Not overly fun compared to a safe, death-free game of tag. Not even close.

He rolled over, ready for another snooze when he heard a voice close to his ear.


He sat up, took a look around and saw…no one. What the heck? He was sure he’d heard someone, but the room was empty, except for him of course and those animal plush toys perched up on the shelves. His mind went to the next crazy, yet possible explanation. Were they talking animals? Bobby shook that thought quickly out of his head to avoid his going insane. He always believed LaBerge’s clown dolls to be the talking sort, but not these dolls. It was ridiculous...or was it?

“Hello?” came the voice. Then he recognized it for who it was. It was Layra.

“Uhh,” was all he could get out.

“Sorry for waking you,” she said softly. “Just thought I’d let you know I’m going to take a morning stroll, you know, to get used to the place. I’ve already gotten lost three times. If it weren’t for the dados to show me around, well...I’d be hopeless.”

“Wait, hold on,” said Bobby, rubbing his eyes. “How the heck’s this possible? How are you even talking to me? This is just...bizarre.”

“Don’t worry,” she chuckled lightly. “I’ll explain all of that later. I’d love to tell you now but, I dunno, it just doesn’t feel like the right time. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know I’ll be around.”

“Where?” asked Bobby.

There was a brief pause.

“Around,” Layra repeated. “So what are your plans for the day?”

“Not much,” said Bobby tiredly. “I think I’m gonna head down for a bite to eat. How ‘bout you?”

“I’ve eaten already.”

“Oh,” said Bobby. “Early riser, huh?”

“Something like that,” Layra chuckled. “Well, I better be off. I’ll see ya later, okay?”

“Wait, how ‘bout we meet somewhere, so we don’t get lost? I’m not gonna go searching the castle for hours. Odds are we’ll both get lost.”

“Good idea,” said Layra. “Hmm, how ‘bout we meet near the pools outside? I heard they’re huge! Maybe we can even go for a swim?”

“Okay,” said Bobby. “What time?”

“Eight thirty sound good?” asked Layra.

“Yeah, that’s good,” said Bobby. “See ya then.”

A Sequel to the Quillan GamesWhere stories live. Discover now