Chapter 14 Part 2: Round One of the Great Four

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"Piece of cake," Brown shrugged.

Gray nodded, giving a casual, "Yup."

"I give you round one of the Great Four," Veego announced, pointing to the massive maze with a slight grin. "I believe you'll find this event somewhat similar to your last trip into the Clown Forest, Challenger Red. This maze, as I like to refer to it as is called the Monstrous Maze. The object of the game is simple. Each team will pick a member to enter the maze and their goal is to find the golden flag. Be aware though, that flag's most likely being guarded. And guarded well, I might add. It's hidden in there somewhere. As to where it's hidden, well, you'll have to find that out for yourselves. But I'll give you two a warning-" and here she looked at Bobby and Layra. "This might look like an ordinary maze, some boring old structure and whatnot but let me be pleased to tell you, it's not. I call this place the Monstrous Maze because it's in fact alive and breathing and as I recall from previous encounters, she's got a real temper when it comes to Challengers. She'll smell you out like rats. I suppose you two could look at yourselves as invaders sneaking into an old gal's home. She's easily upset, so watch yourselves. Your goal is to get out of there alive and I can promise you she'll do whatever she can to make sure you don't get out. Understand?"

"Uh, what?" Bobby shouted. "No one ever told us about some weird, freakin' maze! This can't be right. How the hell can a maze be alive?"

"It's all part of the game," she mocked. "Don't worry; if you're nice, perhaps she'll give you a break, though I don't recall her ever giving anyone a break."

"This is stupid!" he argued. "We can't actually-"

"I suggest you decide on who's entering," Veego said coldly, folding her arms. "And remember, choose wisely."

While Challenger Gray and Challenger Brown went over who they were sending into the maze, Bobby and Layra stood off a fair distance so they'd have some privacy while speaking.

"So, what are we doing?"

"I'll go in," said Layra firmly. "I think I can handle this."

"Wait," said Bobby hesitantly. "Maybe I should do this. I've been through the Clown Forest, remember? I've gone through mazes. Let me do it."

"No!" snapped Layra. "I already told you I can handle this. Let me take care of round one. Trust me Bobby, I won't let you down. Just, please, trust me."

Bobby sighed and said irritably, "Layra, look. I know you might think you're ready but believe me, these games aren't simple! I don't think you understand that. Let me take care of round one. Round two can be yours. I just think it'd be better if I took care of the maze and-"

"I'm going in," she muttered.

"No!" shouted Bobby. "You aren't listening! You're not going in there!"

But Layra was ignoring him. She had her eyes set on that monstrous maze and no matter how much Bobby went on shouting and arguing for her to settle down…she wouldn't. She had her mind set and nothing was going to change that. Layra was going into the maze, whether Bobby liked it or not.

"Have both teams chosen a contestant?" asked Veego.

Challenger Brown snickered and said, "Pff. Hell, ya! I'm dyin' to meet her!"

It looked like Brown was all reared up and ready to go. Heck, the guy seemed excited! Bobby felt he was going to be sick, but held himself together and turned to Layra, who walked straight up to Veego and said confidently, "I'm going in."

"Fabulous!" said Veego, sounding as if she could care less. "Now could you two step up here to start off? Good. Now when the whistle's blown, you'll run into the maze and from there, you know what to do."

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