Chapter 5: Secrets Revealed

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Bobby wasn’t exactly what you’d call the best spy in the world. But he had no choice. Seeing that clown goof walk out with a Challenger, while the two were both giggling with laughter, just seemed…wrong. He was fully convinced LaBerge was up to no good. He now felt sure of it that LaBerge was playing and fooling with Layra’s head. The guy was messing with her and Bobby could tell it was working. Layra was falling for it. While Veego was out hosting the recent Tato match at the stadium, here was her brother strolling out back with a Challenger, who should have been preparing for the games. Something was definitely up. Here LaBerge was in charge of the castle for the day and he was out strolling around all chit chatty with a Challenger! Talk about weird.

He raced out the doors, looked ahead and saw them at once. They were slowly and quietly walking about the gardens. Bobby eased his way among the tables, which must have been for the guests at suppertime, and hid sneakily behind one of the rose bushes. Luckily they were thorn less. He peered over and watched them carefully. LaBerge must have been giving her a grand tour of the outside world of their imperial castle. He had to admit though, not only was the inside of their grand place a spectacular place...the outside proved even better. It was like an entirely new world, especially with the fact that the majority of Rune and all over Quillan was nothing but a gray, dull, lifeless world. Not here.

Bobby had never seen the actual backyard before but was amazed at how enormous it was. There were acres of woodland and all sorts of oddly shaped trees and gardens and bushes and fountains with intricate patterns and neatly paved steps made out of stone and what Bobby soon liked best, the pools. These weren’t your ordinary outside pools. No, this was the real deal. It was one gigantic pool, made up of several smaller pools all joined together. Some pools were smaller than others while some were just out and out huge. There was everything you’d need to have a good swim, from diving boards, to twisty swirling water slides and volleyball nets, a wave pool and even a couple of hot tubs. He could think of no other words to describe the place but stunning. It’d take anyone’s breath away at the first glance, no doubt.

Bobby would have loved to just rip off his shirt and jump right in but that would have been the end for his secret spying. He made a note to himself he'd go for an evening swim when he got the chance. No...if he got the chance. Right now, he was on a mission.

He got onto his knees, crawled as quietly as he could toward the garden and inched his way in. The garden was shaped like a zig zagging maze. There were sharp turns, dead ends and open glades where you could sit down and relax while enjoying the incredible view. There were benches scattered about and brightly colored flowers dotted about. There were lemony yellows, rosy reds, emerald greens, deep blues and even a few rainbow colored plants. Again, the whole scene was breathtaking.

Bobby hurried over to one of the benches, crawled in back of it and hoped he wouldn’t be seen. He was all confident about this seemingly perfect hiding spot…till Layra and LaBerge came strolling through. So much for his perfect hiding spot. He'd be caught for sure! He should have known he’d be caught hiding lamely behind a bench, but he couldn’t make a run for it now. He was trapped.

“Crap!” he thought, feeling stupid for even going there. This was it. He either had to keep still or take the chance of making a run for it. He had no idea what to do. His panicking mind was racing. What was he going to do?

He didn’t have much time to think because almost at once, the two walked over and sat down. They were right in front of him, right above him, unaware of the spying Challenger that was beneath them. He covered his mouth fearfully, breathing softly and tried as hard as he could, not to move a muscle. Right then, it was all about getting the answers and not being caught. Who knows what the punishments were here at the castle?

A Sequel to the Quillan GamesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora