Chapter 4

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Harry was elated. The date had gone much better than he thought it would, despite the small disagreement before lunch. Louis had treated him so well. It was odd seeing everyone more formal than usual. However, understandable. They were in the presence of two Kings after all.

And the fact worries Harry. If he and Louis pursue their relationship together, what will become of their Kingdoms? Clearly, they have some differences in values. Not only that, Harry's father is so against gay Kings that it baffles him. His being gay doesn't affect his father in any way so he just doesn't understand. Maybe he should speak to his mother, take her opinion on the matter. Still, a future was a lot to consider with Louis at this point. They've only just started talking.

But Harry is never given the chance to speak to his mother when he gets home. His father is outside, waiting. There's a deep frown creasing his face and he looks almost angry. Harry is quick to pick up on the disappointment as he walks towards his father. "Where have you been?" Desmond asks. His voice is laced with a shakiness to it, the kind Harry recognizes from when he's angry with someone. He'd certainly had his fair share of hearing it when he was younger.

"Visiting King Tomlinson of Tilsania. We had business to discuss," Harry says simply. He places his hands behind his back in an attempt to hide their shakiness. Desmond and Harry begin walking inside, poised as any King.

"Oh, really? And that's all." Desmond's voice is accusing as if he knows more than he's letting on. Why won't he just come out and say it?

"That's all," Harry lies. Louis certainly showed his affection towards Harry during their date. Harry tries to force his blush down as he glances anywhere but at his father.

"Well, I received a call earlier this afternoon. It seemed odd considering the nature of it. The servant of Tilsania's Kingdom would like to know if they should begin taking information on our land. Of course, I had no idea what he was talking about. That's your responsibility, as you know. So when I was asking if he knew where you were, he happened to mention your date with King Tomlinson," Desmond growls. Harry had already stopped in his tracks. Information on our land? What is Louis planning?


"No." Desmond takes a breath in order to calm himself. "You know how I feel about gays and you blatantly disobeyed me by going to his Kingdom. Are you planning a merge or something? You are not gay."

"Father, it's not-"

"No. You don't get to sit here and lie to me. You will not see him-"

"Enough!" Harry shouts. Desmond's eyes widen at Harry's sudden confidence. His next words are loud and authoritative, "I am the King. I will do as I please with my Kingdom. If that happens to include Louis, then so be it. If I must reiterate to you the zero authority you have over me, I certainly will. My preference in a partner does not affect you. And you know; they're feelings, dad. They're not really something I can control." Harry never wanted to use the Kingdom and his role against his father, but he knew it was the only way to get him to be quiet.

"We can fix th-"

"Nothing needs to be fixed!" Harry shouts angrily. His voice resonates through the halls of his Kingdom as he glares at his father. Being gay isn't a disease. It's not something you can, or something that should be, fixed. "If you have an issue with my sexual preference, feel free to take it up with the council. Might I add, despite what they rule, I am King. And if I shall be a tyrant in your wake then so be it. My feelings won't change either way."

"Fine," Desmond says simply. "I apologize for making you upset. It was just the last thing I expected from you. You can't let this affect the way you run your Kingdom, Harold." Desmond is still angry. There's no way his own child is gay. And he won't allow it. But here, in front of everyone in the Palace, he very well can't disrespect the one who is clearly running things.

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