Chapter 6

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Harry's nerves were beginning to get the best of him. As he heads towards Louis' Kingdom, he can feel that tingling sensation inside of it. It's the one only Louis can give him. He places his hand in his pocket and retrieves the flower he keeps there. Still, his haywire emotions bothered Harry a little. How could he be so attracted to someone with different values? Not only that, Louis tried to go behind his back dealing with trade between their Kingdoms. And yet here Harry is, heading towards Louis' to see him again.

He had to admit, the Halloween party was incredibly fun. Sneaking around the way they were, it was exciting. Especially considering Harry's father was so close. It made it more thrilling. Although, he was surprised Louis was so much fun. Louis definitely valued his Kingdom and his material belongings. Harry couldn't fathom why he did, but Louis turned out to be really fun.

But despite all of that, Harry was still upset. Louis went behind his back to begin trade. And for what? He would need Harry's consent either way. Before anything else, his Kingdom comes first. That's the one thing he firmly believed in above all things. If he couldn't protect his Kingdom, then he couldn't protect his people. And then what? Harry was never willing to risk anything. Even if it's love, his people's happiness comes first. Harry made sure of that when he snapped at Louis. It wasn't fair to put the people at risk just because Louis wanted more gold. Harry shakes his head at the thought.

In just a few minutes time, the carriage arrives at the front of Louis' Kingdom. Harry takes a breath before getting out, his guards following closely behind. Before they even reach the doors, they swing open. Louis is approaching, his own guards behind him. As soon as Harry and Louis are in front of each other, they dismiss their guards. It's not until the main hall is empty that they actually speak. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me," Louis says softly.

"You were pretty convincing, I suppose." Harry shrugs, but he can't stop the smile from appearing on his lips. It's kind of hard to be mad after the night they had together on Halloween. Harry blushes at the thought. Louis' hand is so small and warm in his. They fit together almost like puzzle pieces.

"Why don't we eat lunch? Then we can discuss more about trading," Louis suggests. Harry hesitates, frowning. Was Louis just going to put it off? It's something they definitely should talk about, but he very well couldn't force it.

"Sure," Harry eventually mumbles. He reluctantly follows Louis into the dining hall. There are a few helpers bustling around, setting two places for the lads.

"I hope you're okay with Chicken Cordon Bleu," Louis says nervously, glancing back at Harry. Harry can't help but smile at the fact that Louis is nervous. He just seems so laid back and calm any other time.

"That's fine, Lou," Harry says quietly. Louis nods and steps behind Harry. He places his hand on the small of Harry's back, guiding him towards his seat. Harry can feel the warmth of Louis' hand through his thin shirt. It gives him a tingly feeling inside and he tries to stop the blush from rising to his cheeks.

"My mum used to make fun of me all the time when I tried to cook," Louis starts. Harry's ears perk at the mention of a story. "One time she left me here alone and when I woke up, I was starving. Well, we didn't have any cereal and I didn't want to bother the staff. So I went into the cupboard and found some stuff to make pancakes. Let's just say it didn't turn out so well."

Harry grins, imagining Louis standing over the stove, frowning at the so-called food that he was making. "What happened?" Harry asks softly. He stares fondly at Louis, urging him to continue the story.

"I burnt them," Louis mumbles. Harry bursts into laughter, leaning over the table.

"Them? It was more than one?" Harry gasps. He continues to laugh, shaking his head. Pancakes - to Harry at least - are one of the easiest things to make.

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