Chapter 13

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Harry never knew nervousness like this before. His hands are shaking, he feels sweaty. It's overwhelming and his mother is definitely not helping. "Honey, you'll be fine! Just take a few deep breaths okay? Everyone will love you two," Anne gushes.

"Mom, I love you more than anything. But if you don't leave me alone, I'm going to rip my hair out," Harry says seriously. Harry really doesn't mean to be rude, but he's barely keeping it together right now. He wishes he had more time to at least prepare. Louis should have told him.

"Babe, calm down. You're going to fall over if not," Louis huffs.

"Easy for you to say. Your Kingdom knows you're gay. My Kingdom is getting two sets of news today. I'm nervous, Lou." Harry takes a deep breath, looking up to the incredibly high ceiling. He can't ignore the fact that he's shaky and feels sick to his stomach. This shouldn't be so stressful, but he also understands why it is.

"It's okay, baby. If you're really that nervous, we'll cancel. Tell me what you want me to do," Louis says calmly.

Harry takes a second to think about this. As soon as an idea pops up, he smirks. "Kiss me."


"Kiss me, Tomlinson." Harry tilts his head to the side curiously, watching his beautiful boyfriend in front of him.

Louis smirks, shaking his head fondly. "You are something else, Harry Styles." Nonetheless, he leans in and presses his lips lightly to Harry's. However, Harry's not having this. He pulls his boyfriend in, causing him to gasp. Louis giggles, kissing him harder. He wraps his arms around Harry's neck, leaning into him more. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Louis asks seriously. He'll put Harry first before any of this, he just hopes that Harry knows that.

"I think so, yeah. It was just kind of a surprise at first, you know? But I'm ready. I want this." Harry sounds more content than before, happy. And it makes Louis happy, too.

"You're absolutely sure?" Although Louis is still nervous about the way Harry reacted, he can't stop the huge grin from invading his face.

"Yes, Lou!" Harry laughs, shaking his head. "Come on, they'll be expecting us soon." Harry takes Louis' hand and leads them to the balcony where they're set to present their news. The balcony is beautifully decorated. Harry only caught a glimpse of it, but he saw blue and green for sure. It reminds him of Louis' eyes.

"Who came up with the theme for the balcony?" Harry asks Louis.

"I did," He says proudly. He stands a little straighter, eyeing his boyfriend. And then his nerves kick in. "You like it, right? It's not too much?"

"It's perfect, Louis," Harry says softly. "I love the colors. They're like your eyes." Harry admires Louis' ocean blue eyes and how they have that small center of green.

"And yours," Louis says quietly. Harry's eyes widen in realization and nods.

"How did I get so lucky?" Harry asks softly, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I could ask the same thing," Louis chuckles. He takes his boyfriend's hand, guiding them to the entrance of the balcony. It's easy to hear the thousands of people below, chanting and expecting. "Are you ready?" Louis looks up at Harry, trying to find any sources of wanting to back out. He doesn't want to make Harry uncomfortable, but he also thinks this could be good for them.

"As long as you are," Harry says softly. And it's true. He was afraid of the idea at first, but his people couldn't be that opposed to gay Kings. Louis is already out to his people and from what he told Harry, it doesn't seem like it went that bad.

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