Chapter 10

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Louis paces in the corridor of his Palace, awaiting Harry's arrival. It's been about two weeks of not seeing each other since their lunch at Harry's. Louis was confused as to why Harry had been avoiding him, but eventually, he said that he's just been busy. A part of Louis thought it might be because of Desmond and his disapproval. Still, he was busy too when he first became King.

So he's growing impatient as he waits for Harry to show. His trip is seeming to take longer than usual. And maybe he's just running a little late, but Louis wants to see Harry and now. Okay, calm down, Louis.

At first, Louis thought he scared Harry away when he talked about porn. But then he remembered all of the times he's made sexual jokes and the like. So Harry must have just been incredibly busy.

His footsteps are the only thing heard as he continues to pace, much faster now. "Louis, I'm sure he'll be here soon. Why don't you come sit down?" Jay tells her son.

"Mom, I haven't seen him in nearly two weeks. I'm nervous and I miss him," Louis huffs. He only pauses for a moment to speak before he continues to pace.

"Okay, well we'll be in the dining hall so just meet us in there," Jay chuckles. Louis doesn't even watch as his parents leave. He just wants to see Harry, that's it.

Louis is pacing for a few more minutes before the entrance to his Palace is opened by his guards. He literally bounces on his toes as he waits for his boyfriend to walk in. And when he does, Louis swears he's seeing an angel. Harry seems to be glowing with the sun shining on him, making his eyes stand out even more with his green coat.

Louis immediately rushes over to him and throws his arms around his neck. Harry sighs, leaning into Louis more. Louis stands on his toes to get a better reach. He holds onto Harry tightly, a feeling of contentment rushing over him.

They sit like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's warmth. Louis finally pulls away, only to bring Harry's lips to his. The kiss is slow and patient at first, but two weeks of not seeing each other begins to show.

Louis fists his hands into Harry's long, soft curls. He hadn't realized how much he loved them. He pulls lightly on them, causing a low moan to fall past Harry's lips.

An awkward cough is what causes Louis and Harry to reluctantly pull away from each other. Louis turns, glaring at the annoying helper who emerged moments before. "Lunch is prepared and will be served when you're ready," The servant says nervously.

"Thank you," Louis grits out. The servant hurries away, his cheeks heating up.

Harry swats at Louis' arm, making Louis spin around to glare at him. "Be nice," Harry says simply. A fond smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

"I haven't seen you in over two weeks, Harold. I think I've earned the right to be a little upset that we were interrupted," Louis huffs. He possessively grabs Harry's hand, pulling him along to the dining hall. Louis' parents are sitting there, talking quietly. They go silent when Louis and Harry enter.

Although Harry has spoken to Louis' parents a good few times, they never really had the chance to sit down and talk. Harry is sure Louis' parents have a few questions of their own. It's not something Harry is particularly excited about, but Louis did it so it's only right that he does, too.

Louis gives Harry's hand a reassuring squeeze as they walk over. "Harry, it's good to see you again," Jay says, grinning. She brings Harry into a hug, squeezing him. Harry pulls away and extends his hand to Dan.

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