Chapter 7

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"Lou," Jay sighs. Louis rolls his eyes in annoyance towards his mother. She's been pestering him all morning on not taking his guards with him for his date with Harry. "I really want you to take your guards, or at least have them follow. It's probably going to benefit you more than you know."

"Mum, we'll be fine. We know how to handle ourselves," Louis huffs.

"You're not even taking protection for yourselves. It's not you I'm worried about necessarily; it's other people. I just want you to be safe," Jay rambles. Her worry for the safety of her son was beginning to get the better of her. The commons people could be a bit over the top if they truly wanted to be. It's no place for a King to be wandering around aimlessly.

But that's exactly what Louis wants to do. He wants to take Harry out and just enjoy their time together. He didn't have a set destination in mind. Instead, they would just go wherever the town took them. The only thing that truly worried him, was not being able to think of things to do or say. The most Louis could give to Harry was a good time. And even then, what if Harry ended up changing his mind? To say Louis was nervous was an understatement.

"Mum, we'll be fine. Stop worrying so much," Louis huffs. He takes a deep breath and continues to walk towards his carriage. Jay pulls on his arm, making him stop for a moment.

"Please be safe and do not hesitate to tell people who you are if need be," Jay says seriously. "I love you, Lou."

"I love you, too, mum," Louis sighs. He hurriedly kisses her cheek before getting into the carriage.

Their date was taking place in the next town over. If they remained in their own Kingdoms, the commons people would be quick to recognize them. At least if they went somewhere unfamiliar, they could have a good time. It ended up being Louis' idea because he just wanted some privacy from all of those people. They could certainly have prying eyes. And prying eyes sets the tone for gossip.

Not only that, Harry's father still wasn't keen on him being with another man. To Des, that was a sin and it brought on bad things to families. Louis - although seemingly horrible for it - took pride in this. He was never one that the dad's liked all that much. It wasn't that he was a bad guy, he just didn't give off the vibe of a suitable King. He just wanted to have a little fun and for people to loosen up. Ruling didn't have to be about being serious and keeping up with tradition. But everyone was so stuck on being exactly how life was before Louis. He just wanted people to maintain a balance and a little fun wouldn't kill anyone.

"To Luasa, correct?" Louis' driver asks. He snaps out of his daze and nods. "And we're meeting your friend there, yes?"

"Yes," Louis confirms. He takes a breath and does his best to ignore the nagging feeling in his heart. He wouldn't even be surprised if Harry didn't show. Their last date wasn't bad, but talking about trade didn't make it much of a date anyways. He just wanted to show Harry that he's worth it. And normally, he wouldn't try so hard for a guy, but Harry was something else. He's so incredibly captivating and intriguing. Everything about him is so perfect.

It made Louis glad that he went to that ceremony. If he hadn't, he never would have embarrassed himself so stupidly and caught Harry's attention in the first place. Everything Louis wanted, he seemed to find it in Harry. He was the perfect package and asking for anyone better was impossible. He just hoped that Harry felt the same.

Louis knew what he did was wrong. He never meant to hurt Harry's feelings or betray his trust, but his greed just got the better of him. And not only that, he was going to talk to Harry about it first. He truly had good intentions, it just didn't work in his favor. He's just glad that Harry forgave him. If he hadn't, Louis' not quite sure what he would have done to gain his trust back.

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