Chapter 19

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"Mum, mum you have to tell them to find it," Harry breathes, panicking. "Louis gave me that, please." He can feel his chest tightening because he can't find his ring. The ring that his boyfriend gave him, he can't find it.

"It's okay, Harry, calm down. It's here somewhere. You're sure that you left it in your room?"

"Yes! Those imbeciles came to clean up and now it's gone!" Harry shouts, throwing his things around. He needs to find that ring and he needs to find it right now.

"Harry, that's not nice, stop it," Anne scolds. She sighs and begins helping Harry look for the ring. She knows how much it means to him and she can't bear to see him this upset.

"You called for me, King Styles?" Mecca asks, stepping into the room. He stares, eyes cast down and trembling. He's scared of what he did. What did he do?

"You were assigned to clean my room. What have you done with my ring? The ring with the blue stone in the middle? I need it right now," Harry says, pacing. "I specifically told you to put it back on my nightstand when you finished. What have you done, stolen it?"

"Harold!" Anne shouts, stopping her son. He can be upset, yes, but he shouldn't be accusing the poor helper of something he so clearly didn't do.

"Find my ring," Harry growls. Mecca hurriedly walks towards the automatic sliding door. He presses the necessary numbers and the door slides open.

"I- I thought it'd be more appropriate to be placed with your crown, King Styles. I apologize, I should have asked or at least told you," Mecca says hurriedly, stumbling over his words. He passes Harry a velvet box and Harry opens it. He releases a heavy sigh, running his finger over the beautiful ring.

"You're dismissed," Harry mutters.

He takes the ring out, slipping it onto his first finger. He just shouldn't take it off if his servants are going to be this irresponsible. "That wasn't very nice, Harry. Mecca is your best helper and you were cruel to him," Anne scolds quietly.

"This ring is everything to me, mum," Harry says, still staring down at it. It's a symbol of Louis' love and it's the reassurance that his love for Louis is reciprocated.

"I know that Harry, really, I do. But you can't treat people like that, you know better." Anne raises a brow at him expectantly.

"Yeah, I know," Harry sighs. "I'm sorry."

"You might want to say that to Mecca." With that, Anne walks away, graceful and quiet.

Harry runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. He didn't mean to get upset, really, but he really adores the ring. It means so much to him and the thought of losing it sets Harry into a panic. He huffs and stands, heading downstairs. Harry knows his mother is right so he sends a servant off to fetch Mecca.

"King Styles, you asked to see me?" Mecca asks, his voice timid and frightful. If anyone was looking enough, they'd notice how much the poor lad is shaking.

"Yes, I-"

"Please don't fire me," Mecca rushes out, squeezing his eyes shut. "I have a family to take care of and it pays really well to be here and I know I'm just a servant but-"

"Mecca! I'm not gonna fire you!" Harry laughs, holding Mecca's shoulder. "Look, I overreacted. Louis recently gave me that ring and it has a lot of meaning and value to me. I panicked, but I should have handled the situation better. Thank you for keeping up with it and taking care of it."

"R-Really?" Mecca breathes. Relief clearly washes over him as he holds his chest. "Thank you, thank you so much."

"You're doing well, Mecca. Don't stress." Harry gives him a reassuring smile as the lad hurries away. Harry strides to the front of the palace, staring out the window. He makes a quick decision to go out on the town and asks someone to fetch Paul.

Paul is one of Harry's bodyguards, probably one of the more trusted ones. When Paul walks up, Harry grins. "We're going into town," he says.

"Are you sure that's-"

"A great idea! Yes, Paul, I'm glad you agree." Harry smirks, tilting his head curiously. All Paul can do is chuckle, shaking his head. Harry laughs and they gather their things to head out.

They get to the car and Harry settles himself into the seats. Chills rise over his skin at the cold leather, but he eventually warms back up. "Where exactly are we going in town?" Paul asks, liking knowing specific details. Knowing Harry though, he has no idea where they're actually going.

"Just into the center of town. I just want to walk around town a little," Harry says, imagining what he wants to do when he gets there. "You don't have to stay."

"Yes I do," Paul chuckles. "That's what I'm getting paid for." Paul gives Harry a pointed look, smirking. Harry shakes his head, but a smile creeps up his face.

"I want to get Louis something, I don't know. It would just mean a lot if I could give him something that reminds him of me," Harry says, kind of sheepish. Does that sound stupid?

Harry sighs, shaking his head. Nothing would be able to top what Louis got him. Louis is perfect, his gifts are perfect. Everything he does is perfect and Harry is so completely in love with that man.

"He's probably not looking for a return payment, Harry," Paul points out, unashamed with using Harry's first name.

"No, I know that, but I just want to get him something special, you know? He deserves it. He deserves everything."

"You're doing alright, Harry. Don't overthink something that's going well," Paul comments quietly.

"Words of the wise," Harry mutters. "You'll help me look for something, right?" Harry asks hopefully. Paul seems like he'd have a knack for these kinds of things.

"Of course, my King," Paul says, smirking. Harry laughs, Paul following suit.

When they get to town, Harry heads towards every jewelry boutique he sees. The amazed eyes of his people are obvious as Harry strolls through the town. They're currently stopped at a large cart filled with necklaces, rings, bracelets, everything.

"You know, white pearls are a symbol of loyalty. It's the stone of truth, faith, and love." At this, Harry's head snaps up and he looks towards what Paul's eyeing.

It's a beautifully handcrafted pearl necklace, a string going through the middle of the glistening stone. Harry touches it, the soft texture of it mesmerizing. A grin spreads across his face as he grabs it. It's absolutely perfect and Harry knows he has to have it. It would look so good on Louis.

"I'd like to buy this, please," Harry tells the merchant.

"Yes, of course. That'll be-" Harry doesn't even stop to hear the price. He just places a few bills down - far too much - and hurries away, pulling Paul with him.

They head to another shop, Harry clutching the necklace close to him. Paul helps Harry pick out a nice box, something to put the necklace in. After paying for it and a bag, Harry takes a seat on a bench, arranging the boxes.

He puts the necklace neatly in the velvet box, then places it in the bag before closing and sealing it. "How are you gonna present it to him?" Paul asks curiously.

"Present? I was just gonna give it to him!" Harry says, shocked. Should he present it?

"Calm down, Harold," Paul laughs. "I was just wondering if you had any ideas or if you were just going to give it to him."

Harry takes a second to think about it, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I'll sing him a song! My mom taught me how to play Wonderful World by Sam Cooke and it could be perfect!" Harry suddenly gets excited, wanting nothing more than to rush over to Louis' Kingdom right then and there, but he knows he needs to take his time.

"That's a good idea, I like it," Paul nods, imagining it.

"Come on, Paul!" Harry shouts, already out of his chair. Paul hurries to catch up before taking the lead, back to the car.


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- P & K.

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