Chapter 12

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Louis shifts in bed, a smile immediately coming to his face when he feels Harry tucked into his side. Louis discovered last night that Harry is most definitely the little spoon. It was adorable the way Harry had snuggled up to Louis' chest and thrown his arm lazily over Louis' torso. They fit together like puzzle pieces.

Louis sits up, admiring his beautiful boyfriend. He looks so cute sleeping with his hair tossed around his face. His mouth is open slightly, letting out little tufts of air. Louis can't help but reach up and touch his cheek gently.

Harry leans into his hand, which causes Louis to smile fondly. Deciding to let him sleep a little longer, Louis carefully gets up and heads towards his bathroom. He stands at the sink and grabs his toothbrush and paste.

He hums softly to himself as he goes through his morning routine. When he finishes, he quietly leaves the room and heads downstairs to the dining room reserved for family gatherings. His parents are sitting at the table, eating already.

"Morning, Lou," Jay says, not looking up from her newspaper. "Where's Harry?" Now Jay looks up, glancing behind Louis.

"Still sleeping," Louis explains.

"Well breakfast is ready," Jay says, smiling softly. She motions for one of the helpers to get Louis a plate as he takes a seat.

"Louis, have you considered coming out yet? You know, with Harry?" Dan asks suddenly.

"What?" Louis' confusion sets in as he looks at Dan. He hadn't given the subject much thought and he and Harry hadn't even discussed.

"To your people. You can't keep this a secret for much longer," Dan explains. Louis frowns, thinking about it. Harry would like that, right? "We could throw a dinner here and announce it your people. And invite Harry's Kingdom to join us of course.

"I guess I could talk to him," Louis mumbles. His plate is finally brought and set in front of him. He picks up a fork and begins eating some of the fruit.

"Why not let it be a surprise? You could talk to his family and send out invitations. I know it'd be last minute, but you are King after all. I'm sure Harry would love the gesture," Jay says, grinning. Her excitement is clearly written on her face and it makes Louis grin with her. The idea is beginning to grow on him.

"What do you think we should do?" Louis asks his mum. She always knows the answers.

"Maybe just decorate the balcony and you make an announcement? We can keep it simple and invite the media to take pictures and they can announce it to those who can't make it. Sound okay?" Jay suggests.

"Yeah, yeah," Louis says, hurriedly. He puts his fork down, his breakfast forgotten.

"Want me to get people on it?" Dan asks.

"No, I've got it," Louis says, a plan formulating in his head already. He hurries upstairs and pokes his head into his room where Harry is still fast asleep, hugging a pillow now. Louis smiles fondly before retreating from the bedroom.

He heads back downstairs and towards the mailing room. They're busy at work, as always. And they seem to go stiff when the prestige King walks in. "I need a set of invitations sent to the Cordillera Kingdom." Louis watches as someone hurries to grab a piece of paper and write everything down. "It's a party here in front of the Kingdom. Just mention a party. Not why, just a party. And make sure that you send it to the entire Kingdom and the former King and Queen have personal invitations, understood? I want the theme colors to be," Louis trails in thought, then smirks, "blue and green." He smiles, satisfied.

"I want to see the invitations before they're sent out. That's all," Louis finishes. He smirks and hurries out of the room. He makes his way towards the party room where people are still bustling around, as they should be.

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