Chapter 21

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With a few months having passed, the relationship between Louis and Harry has only grown tremendously. Their love for each other shows in simple things. It's shown with big gestures too; trips, writing songs, parties for the other.

However, none of those things mean anything to Harry or Louis when they're alone. When they're alone, they're no longer kings, they just two young men who fell helplessly in love with each other. They're two people who would do anything for each other.

With a heavy weight on his shoulders, Louis wants to prove to Harry that the one thing he would do for the boy is hold onto him forever. Louis wants to marry him and he doesn't care how soon it may seem to others. He doesn't care about the kingdom as much as he probably should. He has blinders on and Harry is in his direct line of sight.

He's picked out a ring already, a simple silver ring with a row of stones in the middle, all Louis' birthstone. He really hopes Harry likes it and he wants nothing more than for everything to go smoothly. He has everything planned out already on how he'll ask Harry, but he wants to speak to Harry's father first.

So he's going to his love's kingdom.

His knee bounces the whole time, his nerves getting the best of him. He never thought he would be doing this so soon. He thought he'd marry farther down the line. He could wait, but not with Harry. That boy is something special and Louis is going to keep him as his if it kills him. Harry is so precious and beautiful and just pure innocence and Louis loves him so much it hurts.

"King Tomlinson, we're here." Louis' eyes widen as he looks up at his driver. He mumbles out a quick thank you before scurrying from the car. He really needs to calm down. He forces himself to calm down as he approaches the doors of the kingdom his love is building.

"Ah, King Tomlinson. Shall we let King Styles know you're here?" one of the guards asks.

"No, please, that's alright. I actually need to speak to Harry's father," Louis says, giving the men a pointed look. Their eyes widen in surprise before nodding hurriedly. They push the doors of the palace open and Louis steps inside.

"I'll go find Des for you," a guard says before hurrying away.

Louis only waits a few moments before Des is walking the stairs. "Tomlinson, to what do I owe this pleasure?" he grunts, raising a brow.

"I'd like to speak with you about Harry. If you will," Louis says nervously. From the look on Desmond's face, Louis knows that he already knows what's about to happen.

"Alright," Des sighs. "Follow me." Louis trails behind Desmond, trying to keep his breathing even. They enter into a seating room, one Louis' become incredibly familiar with over the past few months. "What do you want to talk about?" Des gets right to the point.

"I wanna marry your son," Louis blurts. "I know this may be weird for you and I know tradition isn't usually this way, but I would really like to have your blessing. I love Harry so much and I would do anything for him and I hope that you see that. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I promise I'll treat him right if you let me."

Desmond takes a second to examine the man in front of him. This makes Louis squirm, unable to maintain his composure under Des' intense gaze. "I like you, Louis and I think you're good for Harry. So yes, you have my blessing to marry my son." Louis breaks out into a grin, surprised. He almost expected Des to say no.

Louis can't stop himself when he stands and hugs Desmond, laughing to release his nerves. "Thank you. Thank you so much. Would you mind helping me? I have an idea for the proposal and I need Harry distracted for the day."

"You're doing it today?" Desmond sputters, surprised.

"Of course!" Louis laughs, growing excited now. "So you'll take him to do something right? Please?"

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