Chapter 5

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Flowers. There were so many flowers. Louis just wouldn't stop. Harry had been ignoring him for a week. He couldn't help but be proud of himself as he avoided the temptation to contact Louis. That, and he was busy planning the annual Halloween party. His father had started the tradition after introducing Harry to Halloween. It was his favorite holiday and the only one he could truly let loose at. It was where the commons people were invited into the palace itself and everyone just had fun. The trust within the Kingdom itself was overwhelming to Harry.

And although he was able to avoid Louis for a week straight, he couldn't help but send an invitation. He was curious as to what kind of outfit Louis would come up with. Would Louis be angry with him? Harry was certainly still angry about what Louis had done, but he wanted to hear Louis' angelic voice. So he sent an invitation to Louis secretly.

The party wasn't until a week later. Awaiting Louis' confirmation to the party was horrible enough. Now he had to find a decent costume. Harry wanders the halls, trying to find inspiration from somewhere. He used to spend a lot of time in the kitchen as a child, learning to cook. It was one of his more favored things to do as a child, despite his role in the Kingdom.

As he makes his way into the kitchen, Harry takes a look around. The smell is overwhelmingly good. It reminded him of when his mother would bake for him. "Hello, Harry." An elderly voice sounds behind him. When he turns, it's the woman he would spend all of his time in the kitchen with.

"Margret," Harry breathes, grinning. He embraces the older woman and sighs.

"What's wrong?" She asks, frowning. "Aren't you excited for the Halloween party coming up?"

"Of course. I just don't know what I'm going to be," Harry sighs. It used to be so much easier when he was a kid. "Maybe I shouldn't dress up at all."

"Everyone will be dressed up, love. You have to wear a costume." Harry sighs again, wondering what he could possibly be. His mind wandered to Louis. What was he going to be? Harry was dying to know, that's for sure. Did he even want to come? It was bothering Harry not knowing anything.


Louis was elated to see the light green envelope placed in his hands. He knew immediately that it was from Harry. It could have horrible words written inside and Louis would still be excited because it meant that Harry was thinking about him.

But it wasn't filled with harsh words. In fact, it was an invitation to a Halloween party. Louis was confused for a moment. Why would Harry be throwing a party? Didn't he only believe in frivolous things like nature? It annoyed Louis to even think about, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking of a Halloween outfit.

Halloween normally wasn't something he celebrated. He had as a kid but eventually grew out of it, as most kids do. However, he could feel the excitement and joy setting within him at the thought of going to an actual Halloween party. Despite not knowing Harry but for a short amount of time, he knew that Harry wouldn't throw a poised party. It would be fun, Louis knew for sure.

So he hurried to his feet to get ready. It wasn't until a week from now, but Louis had an idea of what he wanted to be. It was going to be the perfect night, even if Harry was still mad. Although, Harry couldn't be that mad if he was inviting Louis to his party.

As soon as he got to the seamstress room, he leaned towards the head woman there. "King Tomlinson, what can I do for you?"

"I need a costume for an upcoming Halloween party. Can you do that?" Louis knew she could, but he felt it more polite if he asked. The woman nods. Louis leans down and whispers in her ear. He grins and excuses himself, growing more excited by the second. It was going to be a long week before that party.

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