Chapter 2: Better View

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In the meeting there were few employees doing several things and in the middle of a room stands a model wearing withe tight sleeveless shirt and stretch. As I was helping Manage Su Ri by giving her the items that was in the Rack it caught my attention a gentlemen wearing Blue Navy suit with a white turtleneck shirt inside who entered the room and every one bowed at him so I had to do the same.

'' He is our Public Relation and Media director Kim Woo bin, so you better be careful while you are in the same room with him, he has a picky personality and does not tolerate mistakes'' Manager Su Ri whispered.

As he removed his top suit and rolled up his sleeve that allows you to see the muscles and the veins, he looked very manly in all corners with that black round glasses on him. He was on deep concertation as the lady explains the concept of the outfit while sticking it on the model's body. He had a very dark black hair that he pulled them all back. In my head I have already admitted that this Kim Woo Bin is very attractive and smart gentlemen that any mother will be thrilled to have him as her Son in low.

Finally it was lunch time because I was starving, I called up Jin to meet up at the Company Cafeteria and he told me to stop by their office and pick him up. I went inside and greeted everyone till I saw Jin

''Let's go am hungry'' I begged with a cute tone of voice so that he can't say no.

A girl appeared from nowhere and said '' Oppa.... Who is this dumb girl?'' she leaned towards his body acting all cute.

''Huh!! Aw she's my friend Kim Tina, Tina this is Cha Mi Son she's a Producer'' Jin answered moving her hand from his arm.

I tried my best to be nice and not answer back about the DUMB comment, I just smiled and said ''Nice to meet you but we gottaa go'' then I pulled Jin hand and dragged him outside the office till the Staff Cafeteria where we took food and sat opposite each other.

'' So how was your first day at work Tina'' Jin asked while he shovels the a piece of Kimbab into his mouth.

''hmm Not bad, I just met the well-known Park Jimin and got stuck in a tight store with him that's all but other than that I attended a meeting and worked to arrange the store'' I replied

'' what!!! Stuck with Park Jimin!! How did that happen?? I just hate him because he's such a cocky guy with over confidence issues'' Jin shockingly asking so many questions unlike him at all.

'' Nah not a big story anyways it just happened....'' I took a sip of the soup and suddenly I see Kim Woo Bin passing by us...

''Jina, are you close with the PR Director Kim Woo Bin'' I asked as I gazed at that beauty body figure of Woo Bin

'' Huh!! Not at all we work in separate tasks that we do not at all deal with each other but why are you asking?'' Jin was waiting fo my answer so bad that I actually do not have one, I mean I don't know why I am fascinated about this Woo Bin.

I finally finished work and got a ride from Jin back home.

''Hey, stay with me for Dinner?'' I offered but he refused as he had work to do back at home.

The whole night I was just thinking about today, how I ended up with THE PARK JIMIN and that attractive PR Director.... I might ended up in heaven that I didn't realize it till now.

Before I fall asleep I received an SMS and it was from my Manager Min Su Ri '' Tomorrow be here early as we are going for Park Jimin Photo Shoot, wear something warm as it will be outside on top of Nama Mountain''

Waah great... now it will be awkward just thinking about seeing him again.

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