Chapter 4: Unpredictable

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In this saggy old looking cottage we hid ourselves from this heavy rain, we can only hear the sound of the rain pouring and the wind blowing.

''I don't remember hearing about the rain in today's weather forecast'' Jimin said while brushing the rain drops out of his Jacket.

I sat on the floor next to piles of wood shivering feeling so cold and my oversized sweater that I was wearing failed to warm me enough. Jimin went and sat opposite me on top of the woods and checking his mobile phone but there were no signal.

''aishhhhh what the hell I got myself into... you are a bad luck that I should avoid since whenever we meet something bad happens to me'' Jimin never stopped mumbling and complaining about me in general.

''first of all, you are the one that keeps on either provoking me or following me dumb face'' I was so angry that I couldn't stop myself from replying.

''What!! Dumb face!! Huh I am jimin PARK JIMIN a top star so a face like you should not even get 6ft near me.... Ughhh when is the rain going to stop I can't stay in one place with you for even a minute'' he seemed a bit upset but let him be because he gets in my nerves every time he opens his mouth.

15 minutes passed but the rain did not stop and Jimin was just ignoring me by playing candy crush with his phone and cursing half of the time.

I was getting more weaker than before and my body feels like an ice

''Yeaah!! What's wrong with your face... you look so pale and your lips are purple'' Jimin commented taking a close look on my face.

''why are you staring at other people's lips pervert'' my voice is shaking it was getting hard for me to even talk

The next thing I know Jimin rapped me with his Jacket and I felt warm for a bit, it was very sweet of him I thought at least he can be something else than a jerk sometime.

However I started to feel bad and pity for him because he is now feeling cold and I have his jacket on me

''Hey, come closer'' I said waiving my hand at him

He looked at me for seconds and said ''Look who's pervert now'' he then ignored me and went back with his phone

''just come closer we will share the jacket, the more we stick together the warmer we will feel'' I kept on calling him till he agreed to do so.

We sat next to each other and our shoulders are like glued together and the jacket covering our hands, I never got this close physically with an idol before and now looking at him this closer he deserves to be called an idol.

He had a very unique facial expressions and his face is god gifts at least that's how I could describe it, he has a plumbed lips and a very sharp eyes with his orange hair covering most of his forehead but you can still gaze up on his adam's apple that is stuck out very visible.

For this moment he looked like his from another world and not the jerk Jimin, and as I stared at him this longer I didn't realize that my eyes were closing slowly till it was shut and the heave weight on my shoulder what seems to be Jimin's head reasting on it and the next thing I heard were bunch of noises which looks like we were saved.

I woke up on my bed feeling little confused of how did I get home, but is this smell.... Hmm its smells like food.. it smells like a beef stew coming out of my kitchen.

I thought I was still dreaming but the smell was so strong that I had to go and check, I opened my bedroom door and there in the stove I see Jin wearing an apron on his waste cooking stew.

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