Chapter 5: Those Moments

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Out of embarrassment I marched towards the elevator where I pumped into Jimin

''Awuch watch where y....'' here I shushed myself because I am the one who should watch my steps.

''Are you always this dumb??'' Jimin criticized but I didn't care less as we waited for the elevator to reach.

''By the way Thank you for yesterday, I heard you dropped me back home'' I said

''I had no choice anyway, and what kind of a girl are you that sleeps everywhere carelessly?'' Jimin said that and gave me his hand.

I was shock at first but without thinking I placed my hand on top pf his..

''Yeaaah!!! What are you giving my your hand I want my jacket back?'' Jimin yelled

Ughh it was so embarrassing, why do I keep embarrassing my lips like that!!! As the elevator door opened I skipped the ride and took the stairs.

At the elevator....

The elevator stopped on the 5th floor where Jin went inside and met Jimin and Jimin's Manager.

Jin: Great that I saw you Jimin I just wanted to thank you for yesterday

Jimin: Huh!!! Do I know you? Did we meet yesterday?

Jin: No you don't know me or need to know me but you dropped Tina back home, she was very sick with really high temperature hence why she was so weak for bus ride.

Jimin: (ahh that's why she was sleeping, damn I feel like a jerk)... Aw okay glad I could help but how do you know Tina again?

Jin leaving the elevator said: We are very very close (wink)

Jimin was confused, what did he mean close!!

Back at the outfit storage, I had so many work to do from gluing stones in a shirt to hot steaming some dresses to be used for next week concert which everybody is kind of busy because of it after all it Park Jimin's concert. I felt so bored while doing my tasks so decided to take a break and play a bit. I had my headphones on playing random music and I started putting cloth pieces together from Jeans to see-through shirt and some accessories.

The phone rang like multiple time but as my headphone was on I couldn't hear it and just kept on dressing the mannequin.

Suddenly someone barges in and removed my headphone from my one ear

''why do we have phone here when we do not use it haah??'' Oh my God it was Director Kim Woo Bin.

I mumbled before I could get my sentence right ''I am sssorry I mean I wasn't paying attention and I....'' he cut me through my apology speech.

''save it, just bring me the dress that Joey will wear for the award ceremony.. your Manager told me it's ready so I want to look at it''

I knew what dress he was talking about since we received it this morning, so I nodded and went to fetch it for him, and as I reached.

''I like the costume pattern that you did here'' he commented as he took a look on that Mannequin.

I was so excited that he acknowledged me almost jumping ''Oh Thank you'' I said

''what is your name again?'' he asked

''Tina, Kim Tina'' I replied

''well see you at the concert Tina, and yeah by the way what a great body you have'' he winked with a wicked smile and left the room.

Ughh was he talking about the roof accident today.. why Is this happening to me!!

''Yo sleepy head let's go have lunch'' Jin came inside pulling me for Lunch which I followed as I was hungry.

''how do you feel today?'' Jin asked me taking a bite from a sandwich

''I feel better and yeah are you attending the concert?'' I asked Jin

''No I am not, I am a writer and not from the production Team'' he answered very fast and added ''besides I don't like Jimin nor his songs so I am not interested''

And just like that Jimin walks in into the staff canteen along with his manager and sat next to us since the place was kinda crowded.

Me and Jin were talking and actually forgetting that we were at work, we kept on teasing each other like kids. Jin was messing with my hair while I was stealing food from his plate and eating it.

Jimin on the other hand kept watching us the whole time giving us strange looks, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable so we finished eating fast and I dragged Jin to come and hangout with be in the Storage.

After work Jin had to stay for some extra work so I had to leave by myself and as I was waiting by the bus stop a strange number called and so I picked the phone and answered,

''Hello who is this calling?'' I answered

''Yo dumb face, come and ride the Red Car on your left'' He said

It sounded like Jimin, but why would he call me to ride his Car.... First we are not at all that close and second his always jerk to me.

''why would I come'' I angrily replied

''Because you owe me one so come and get in'' he replied

Ugh I do owe him one so I went inside the red car and he was wearing black sunglasses and dark blue hoodie jacket on where he looked comfortable.

''I am out of practice and thought of giving you a ride especially when you looked so desperate at the bus stop'' Jimin smilingly said but I was in no mood to argue with him I was just quite.

He turned the music on and drove, something about him that always catch my attention I am not sure if it's his plumy lips or his perfect face figure. I spaced out as I looked at his lips for some reason.

''What!! You crave for my lips?'' he said with a smile on his face

''what!! Hell no... just where are we going we passed the road that leads to my house so where are you taking me?'' I asked frowning

''You will see..'' and just like that he winked

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