Chapter 7: Awkward Moments

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Next morning I woke up with a headache thinking about 101 ways to kill Jimin but there is no use since he will be at rehearsal today as tomorrow is the concert day, I am not even sure I want to go but Manager Min Su Ri will not leave me ditch this.

I had a cup of coffee on my way to work alongside with Jin in the car.

Jin: Now I tried my best to stay positive about Jimin having your phone but so far I can't, can you explain now.

Me: it's not a big deal, he was supposed to send me home yesterday but he ended up being a jerk and dropped me by the bus station so I forgot for my phone on the process.

Jin: Don't be reckless and ride with any men but me... I started to feel uneasy.

Hmm why would Jin say that, I guess he is weird when it comes to expressing his concerns I feel like sometimes he forgets that I am his best friend but instead treats me like a wife.. typical Mother figure Jin.. I just nodded in agreement.

We arrived and the Carnival began as in everyone is a mess situation people running everywhere and it was just hectic all in preparation for tomorrow's concert.

I also got called by Manager Min Su Ri to arrange the outfits that just arrived for the dancers and also pack all the stuff and send it to the Concert arena.

I finally received my phone after a full day without it thanks to Jin.

I started to take pictures of the outfits so I can memorize them faster and prepare myself for tomorrow but as soon as I opened my photo gallery I saw over 100 pictures of Jimin talking a selfie using my phone with all kind of gestures you can imagine from cute puppy face to old men filter.

Ughh I swear I want to kill him so bad I can't even scroll up to see my old pictures without going through all his pictures while scrolling.

''Yeaaah!!! Kim Tina what are you doing... you need to take the outfits to Arena now before the car leave.. stop playing with your phone'' Manager Min Su Ri yelled.

It's all because of Jimin that I got yelled at... and after carrying all 7 boxes in a trolley with no strength left in me I had to also push it till I reach to level 1.

''Keep pushing Kim Tina you can do this... Fighting'' I cheered myself pushing the bloody trolley in the corridor.

While doing so I saw to pair of manly hands under my hands reaching to the Trolley helping me to push..

''What do yo.....'' I yelled angrily as I turned and I mumbled immediately

''Dir kkkkkkim Wo Biiin ... it's okay I can do it'' I realized after I turned my whole body that now we are both in an awkward position as if we were hugging each other both our faces are really close so I started to blush just the thought of it.

''well it looks that you are in a need of help and your tired it already shows in your red face that you may faint in any minute'' He said not parting for this awkward position

He doesn't have a single clue that I am actually blushing and not tired.

It was a few seconds that we were like this but I have already fantasized big things about me and him but the moment was disturbed when my phone rang

''Your phone is ringing'' he said

''aww my phone.. aww yeah'' I said and I checked who's calling but it says on the screen (HOT MASTER) and just below that it says that it was saved as in emergency contact.

What the fuck!!! I don't have this name saved or that I have ever enlisted it on my emergency contacts.

''Hmm your Hot Master haa.. that's interesting'' Kim Woo Bin commenting with a shock facial expression.


''No No I mean I don't ... just give me a second.... HELLO who is this???'' I said while I answered

''YO it's Jimin AKA Hot Master.... Just trying to check on your reaction... BYE'' and just like that he ended the call while I am still holding my phone into my ears.

I am in this stupid situation oh my God I am definitely going to Kill Jimin.

''Hehe.. you see this is a prank I play with my younger sister.. hehe we call each other names... you know how sisters are... anyhow I think we should move before the car goes off without us'' I said trying to burry this stupid situation.

''Aw the car, it left long time back though.. I thought you knew'' he replied

''What!!! Manager Min Su Ri is going to kill me... now what to do'' I held my head trying to figure this mess situation

''it's okay, I am going there anyway so let's to together'' Kim Woo Bin offered with no choice I had to accept and we went together after loading the boxes in his car.

It was indeed an awkward drive to the arena we did not talk a lot just listened to the Radio till we reached.

The place was so huge like football stadium, but I had no time to waste I needed to head to the dressing room.

''Finally you're here.... Get the things sorted and label the outfits for each performance '' one of the head person in charge of the dressing room ordered so I started working hard moving items and labeling plus ironing whatever needed to be ironed, it's just a very long day for me.

After 1 and half from hard work I decided to take a break and go walk by the stage to see the progress they have made, with an ice cream that I bought on my way to the stage what I saw just melted my ice cream along with my heart.

He was standing on top of the stage rehearsing his entrance song but what amazed me about it that he was standing in fact on top of a moving stage that is getting lowered and he was Topless with only pants on and you can see the microphone wires hanging in his waist.

His orange hair stuck on his forehead as he was sweating all the way to his golden abs, he was shining like a golden chain.

As he was tired from the long rehearsal he was out of breath brushing his hair back with his fingers as he shakes his head making a way for a perfect view of his natural light pink lips.

At that moment my heart started to race, my eyes were just focusing on him as if nothing was around me but me and him.

He looked my way and with a smile he winked and I found myself blushing with a fast heart beat and a melted ice cream on my hand.

He looked my way and with a smile he winked and I found myself blushing with a fast heart beat and a melted ice cream on my hand

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