Chapter 13: Farm Trip Starts Now

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''wow look there is a cow there.... No look there!!! A farmer running after a chicken looool'' Jimin sounding like a baby on a field trip.

On the other hand I was just worried the whole train ride that someone might notice him even though he was wearing a black mask. I was also worried about what my mother will ask and I am sure she will think that his my boyfriend and she will start pampering him in all kind of ways.

We reached and I dragged Jimin with me before he gets lost and took the bus to where my house is. Inside the bus it was crowded and I had to squeeze into Jimin's chest as we stood opposite each other.

There was a strange old man sitting looking at my body in a creepy way that made me regret why I had to wear my skinny white jeans.

I was too uncomfortable about it that made Jimin notice and immediately he grabbed my waist hard pulling me against him and looked at the man till the old man knew that he shouldn't mess around with Jimin, but I was blushing very much till we got off the bus.

We reached home finally after a 3hours trip and I was so tired...

''Ommo... Tinaaa you're here finally.... '' my mum rushed to hug me followed by my aunt and her best friend.

My mother was a social person so my house is always full of old ladies gossiping and drinking tea, but my father was a calm person he only likes to go and hangout with the a laundry shop owner who is his best friend.

My mum and her crew all came at me with full force asking me questions and commenting on my hair, skin, clothes and nails till they heard someone coughing behind me.

''Aww!!! Who is this handsome fella'' aunt Misoon said.

All eyes are now turned facing Jimin and Jimin as always stood their smiling and waving his hand ''Hello''.

They all grouped at Jimin and started asking him question like his name and age, my mother was like ''are you single? What do you think of Tina?'' my mother as always embarrasses me.

Jimin smiled at their questions confused on what to answer first.

My mother suddenly comes and pulls my hand towards the far end of the living room

''Yeaah!! Is he your boyfriend? I thought you will end up with Jin?? and what's with the orange hair? Omoo....... Are you pregnant??''

''Mum please!!! His just a friend okay... he wanted to tag along and so he is here!!! Besides me and Jin are just friends'' I replied

''FRIENDS!!! The boy liked you ever since school days and all the people knew except you idiot..... just make sure you choose wisely but I still want Jin and not this orange hair guy'' My mother said leaving me shocked

Does Jin really likes me!! I mean I felt that sometimes he is over protective or over caring but I didn't know he liked me... ughh my mother is old fashioned she confuses Friendship over love I guess.

I went inside my room arranging my bag while Jimin was stuck with my aunt and mum friend sipping tea all together.

My aunt escorted Jimin to my room ''You may sleep here tonight young handsome boy''

''wwwhat!! Ah ah hold on a second this my room aunt Misoon so he can sleep in the living room on the sofa'' I said pushing Jimin outside my room.

''Noo!! Your dad will sleep in the sofa as I will be sleeping with your mum... so you share a room with Jimin'' she giggled as she pushed Jimin inside giving him a spank in the ass

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