Chapter 6: Errands

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In my mind is he kidnaping me or what!! But my horror imagination ended once we stopped by the Local Ice Cream Sandwich corner at the street join.

''get me mint and chocolate Ice Cream Sandwich'' he pointed towards the joint with a big excited smile on his face.

What the hell!!! ''Jimin.... You brought me all the way here just to get you an ice cream?'' I gave him a strange look

''What!! I can't go there and get it myself I am PARK JIMIN after all.. all the fans will come after me... just get me one I have been craving for it since yesterday'' Jimin gave me the cute puppy eyes look as he begged.

''Ughhh okay fine I will'' and just like that I stepped out and ordered 2 ice cream sandwich one for him and a strawberry mint for me.

At the car we stopped behind a building and he excitedly starts to rip the plastic cover apart and started to munch into the ice cream.

It actually taste good, and just like that into the awkward silence with no sound but our eating voices I noticed that he was eating the ice cream like a lil baby with a cute smile on his face. The ice cream melted all over his lips but he did not care less.

As my obsessive cleaning instincts hit me and with my fingers I whipped the ice cream over his lips without focusing or controlling my actions.

He sat in shock looking at me and for few seconds we stared at each other and I blushed..

''Yeaaah!!! What are you trying to do to me'' Jimin said covering his lips

''Wwwwhat!! I am not a bit trying to do anything... you eat like a baby grow up'' I yelled at him trying to hide my blushed face.

He then reversed the car very fast and at the nearest bus stop we stopped

''Get down now!!'' he said facing straight

''What!! You said you will drop me home..'' I said

''Well you see I need to go and grow up so I am busy.. down now'' with his sarcastic tone of voice.

I got really upset that I went down and slammed the door so hard and went to sit at the bench waiting for the bus.

Just when I thought that this day might be one of the worst days ever another car stopped and the window lowered down.

''you look in a real mess, come in I will drop you home''

As I turned it was Dir Kim Woo Bin, I never knew that he is nice person.

Out of desperation and tiredness I accepted the offer and as I got into the car I said '' I hope you will not drop me at the second bus station''

''Huh!! Why would I do that'' he asked looking confused

''that's a long story, that Jerk I mean Jim... Oh my god I forgot my cellphone at his car'' how idiot am I, how will I talk to Jin before bed now.

''can I borrow your phone, I need to talk to Jimin asap'' I asked Woo Bin

He agreed and he dialed the number for me and as we call he did not answer... what the hell am I supposed to do now.

''Well if he calls back I will tell him that you forgot your phone in his car'' Kim Woo Bin said

And added '' But why were you guys together'' he asked

''oh well.. it just happened'' I didn't want to add more because I heard him and Jimin are not in a good relationship.

I arrived home and started to prepare Dinner hoping that Jin will come and join me and maybe we can go and get my phone.


Jimin '' What would be this girl's phone password I wonder!!'' as he tried typing random words.

And as he slides the phone he saw her lock screen as a picture of her Kissing Jin on the cheek while he was wearing a Rabbit hair band both looking like a cute couple.

'' what the fuck is this picture about... ughhh'' Jimin said throwing the phone on top of the Sofa.

Although he threw the phone he kept staring at the picture from a distance ..


''Get down now!!'' I said reaching my hand to open her door

''What!! You said you will drop me home..'' she faced me

''Well you see I need to go and grow up so I am busy.. down now'' and just like that I left.

But I immediately returned back to go and take her.. but what the hell!!! Is that Dir Kim Woo Bin's car!!

Why is he taking her?! Ughh this guy I swear....

And I drove fast trying to follow them... is he calling me now!!

Why would he?? And as I wondered my eye caught on a strange phone in the passenger seat.. It must be hers

Huh now she wants it back .. we will see

The flashback ended after Kim Tina's phone rang

Jimin picked up the phone as he saw the caller name was saved (Jaggiya <3) which means my darling in Korean.

''Yeaah!! Why haven't you replied my text yet... anyhow what should I get for Dinner? Chicken and Beer? Hello are you there'' a guy voice speaking but Jimin was so confused like who will be her darling!

''Ahm, I am not her.. tell her to come and get her phone tomorrow from My manager.. and who are you? I need to tell her that I delivered the message to you in case that message did not reach her?'' Jimin asked trying to get the name of the caller

''PARK JIMIN!! Why are you having Kim Tina's phone... ughh I don't even wish to know I will come and pick it up myself tomorrow from your Manager. And by the way its Jin'' and just like that Jin cut the line off and Jimin was left with anger

''What with this attitude, does he not know who am I.. Ughh why would I bother for some two losers'' and he went to his room leaving the phone next to his bed.

 Ughh why would I bother for some two losers'' and he went to his room leaving the phone next to his bed

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