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She sat alone

Low light barely captured her features

Features that were mostly masked by shadows

Her face was pulled taught

Mind obviously deep in thought

And she could have been invisible

She never moved

Blinking...but barely

Breathing...but slightly

Because her body was too involved

In the mess inside her head

A tangle of dark strands

Tainted by the darkness of reality

All the dark strings led back to him

This him that consumed her thoughts

Caused her worry

Made her sit still for hours

Because she was so deep in thought

Thinking of him

How he was feeling

What he was thinking

What he thought of her

Because after all this time

All this insanity

She didn't care that she stopped it before it started

She cared about him

How hurt he seemed to be

And that weighed down upon her heavier than anything she'd ever felt

Because above all, he was her best friend

And three months of distance was too much

Especially if he was in pain

Especially because she felt numb, the pain long fading during it's horrific burn

That singed all her heartstrings in an instant

And it was only then that the girl moved

Sitting up straight with a daunting look in her eyes

For she realized the cause of the jumble of darkened threads

Was the fact she was in love

With someone she could no longer have

Someone who may very well despise her existence

Someone she may never get back

As a friend, or more

And with that, she became visible

A broken girl with tears rolling fluidly down her cheeks

Choked sobs escaped chapped lips

And the worst part was

He wasn't there to comfort her

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