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Eyes clamped shut

Hands over ears

Blocking it out

Blocking everything

Tears streak down porcelain cheeks

And are brushed away just as quick

Curled up

Tiny as can be

Making no sound

Silent sobs

Racking her body


And unheard gasps for breath

Emit from her tiny corner

She's invisible

A ghost walking the earth

A demon in disguise

Rejected for her angel wings

And never accepted up above

For her internal devil

So she wanders


In this purgatory world

Unable to talk

To the humans around her

And condemned

To fall in love

With a boy

A boy with the angel wings

Who loves a girl

That she could never be

The girl he loves isn't broken

She's whole

And lovely

Not a shadow

Like she

So she cries

In this corner



And forever unfixed

Because of the abomination she is

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