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One of these words

Is not like the rest

Can you

Take a guess


Because it's very general?


Because it has so many meanings?


Because it's a color more than a feeling?

Or depressed?

That's right

It's depressed


Because it's the most overused word

That is mostly used incorrectly

Depression isn't a feeling

It's a condition

It's not a joke

It's not a word to fling around

It's serious

You can be sad

And not depressed

Sad is a feeling

That describes how you feel

When you lose a sock

Or when you burn your popcorn

The end result

Will not be drastic

Because you usual cheer yourself up

Depression is a condition

That describes how you feel

When every day you want to die

When you're so alone

And people call you a freak

When you lose all happiness

And nothing is there

But emptiness

And a feeling so very much stronger

Than sadness

So don't mix up

Those two words again

It's not a joke to be depressed

It's serious

So think first

Before you speak

And see if it's really what you mean

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