Small Town Merry Go Round

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Waiting round this small town

For someone to scoop me up

And take me away

Kiss me

And marry me

And take me far far away

Cause in this small town

Everything's like a merry go round

Same damn thing every day

You get up

And you get ready

Trying to look as perfect as you can be

So a man will come by

Date you

And marry you

And settle down in the house next door

Then you have your kids

Who grow up

And ride this carousel around again

But this ain't what I want

I want to move far away

See new things

And learn everything there is to know

So please let

My Prince Charming

Come riding into town

To scoop me up

And take me away

Happily away from here


Ok so the other day this story was at like 342 reads and then today I come onto wattpad and I HAVE 510 READS OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO!

On another side note, I really need all of your help. There's this poetry slam thing and I need to submit three poems. Could all of y'all pick 3 of your favorites and either comment them or message me? It would mean so much to me <3

Thank you again!

You are strong okay?


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